Travelling is usually an exciting activity to do. Gone are the days when people would have to stay in hotels when going on vacation. These days people opt to stay in Airbnb’s, which are homes or apartments of other people. However, there are those who still prefer hotels. In recent years, people have complained about hidden cameras and audio devices in their holiday accommodation. Here are a few ways you can spot hidden cameras.
Generally, scan the area
When you arrive, take time to look around. Cameras are often hidden in regular items or even familiar places. You can search the items around like picture frames, mirrors, light bulbs, or even plants. Some gadgets also can be used to hide cameras like alarm clocks, speakers, USB wall clocks, and smoke detectors. If you notice items are out of place or something seems off with a gadget, it’s best to check it out. In terms of places, ensure you survey every room.
Use a Flashlight or phone camera
Another way to find hidden cameras is to use your flashlight or phone camera. Most of the cameras are usually well hidden, but since lenses are made of glass, they can be detected. Switch off the light in a room, switch on your flashlight and try to look around for any reflective material. As for the camera, you can use it to look for infrared LEDs that are used in night vision cameras.
Use Wi-Fi sniffing apps
Sometimes cameras can be so well hidden that you may not find them with manual methods. The good news is technology can make it easier for you to spot them. Most modern hidden cameras use wireless technology to connect to the hotel room or Airbnb router. There are various apps that you can use that will help to show all the wireless devices connected to the Wi-Fi network. The most recommended one is Fing, which is available on iOS and Android devices.
The trick is to download the app beforehand. So that once you get to your location, you can switch on the Wi-Fi and launch the app to search.
RF Detectors
Although this may be a pricey solution, it is also one of the best. Wireless devices usually give off a radio frequency. This is what allows Wi-Fi and Bluetooth to exist. RF detectors pick up on that signal and help to find any hidden cameras. It also helps to locate any recording device around. RF detectors can be found in electronic shops, with a price range of about 3k-5k.
To find the hidden cameras, you can move the device around each room. If the detector picks up on any signal, it will beep.
Switch off the Wi-Fi router
You can opt to switch off the router in the room or Airbnb altogether. If your host contacts you asking what the problem is without giving you a good reason why they are asking, then chances are you are being monitored.
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