Many people believe the world is wholly based on how people perceive it to be. If you want to change your current situation, you must change yourself. If you want to change your family, you need to change yourself first and if you want to meet your family’s needs and have a successful family, there are some habits you’ll need to incorporate into your and your family’s lives. After all, our habits determine our success or failure whether individually, as a team, or as a family. Here are some habits that highly effective families adopt.
Habit 1: Being proactive
You don’t have to love your family members. You choose to love them. Effective families are self-aware and take responsibility for the actions each and every one of the family members makes. They’re also proactive. They know they have to take responsibility and know how to choose how to respond to certain situations and stimuli. Effective families do this by using proactive language instead of reactive ones.
Habit 2: Starting with the end
Effective families create compelling and clear visions of what they’re all about and what they want. They have a family mission statement whereby everyone in the family agrees with the principles that govern them. It’s funny how families don’t integrate the type of mission statements that encourage organizational success yet it’s actually one of the most fundamental organizations on planet earth.
Habits That You Should Cultivate To Make You More Optimistic
Habit 3: Putting first things first
Even in this busy and turbulent time we live in, you need to make your family a priority if you want it to be effective. The most important things in your life should never be at the mercy of stuff that’s of lesser importance. Even though many argue there’s just no spare time, effective families know what’s important and find that time for themselves. Parents have unique roles. They’re like sacred stewards of life. Effective parents make doing this well a priority.
Habit 4: Always think win-win
Effective family members move from “Me”-to- “We.” They know how to understand how to recognize and accept something another member deems important because they know the other person is important to them. Parents shouldn’t be looking to win popularity contests. They shouldn’t be giving in to the children’s every whim and desires. Effective parents know how to make decisions that are a win-win for every person involved.
Habit 5: Before they seek to be understood they first understand
They solve their family issues via emphatic communication. Families that have real understanding are the ones that have rewarding, rich relationships. Most of the mistakes that family members make often don’t have any bad intentions behind them. It’s just that most families don’t know how to understand this. They do not see clearly into each other’s hearts. Effective families stop judging each other because they understand one another.
Habit 6: They synergize
Effective families build unity by celebrating their differences. They know how to use seeing things differently as a strength and not a weakness in their relationships with one another. They know how to realize that a problem is merely asking to be responded to and is not there to trigger a reaction. This is what makes a learning family.
Habit 7: Sharpening the saw
Effective families know how to use traditions to help renew the family spirit. Effective families take time to renew themselves in the 4 key areas of life, which are spiritual, social, mental, and physical. This is the highest leverage habit out of all of them. Why? Because it impacts everything else on the list so powerfully.
An effective family’s most important thing is values. An effective family generally knows how to see itself and understands and abides by its unison point of view. Members in such a family don’t have limited views and that’s what helps make them work.
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