Imagine an online service that meets all your beauty needs including, information on beauty and styling, pricing, the variety of services offered and the best place to get them, How convenient would that be?
If you have been to Umoja market, or Kenyatta market, the very famous places where everyone with good braids seems to have passed through, you can relate to the struggle of rummaging through a couple of salons before settling on the most convincing bidder. Yes, you might have been referred to someone, but the problem is usually finding their salon, knowing their prices beforehand and also styling abilities. Another issue that arises is the probability of getting persuaded by someone who is all talk but no action and you end up with disappointing results.
Because let’s face it, even though these places are reputed for good services, its easy to find yourself on the other side of the spectrum if you happen to choose the wrong stylist. This is where Saspacity comes in. Saspacity is an online booking platform that enables you to set appointments with the best salons, barbershops, spas and nail parlours.
The app which is now available on Google play store connects you as a customer to professionals providing beauty services, health and wellness services and products.
How Does Saspacity Work?
- Head over to google play store
- Download the app.
- Search and discover beauty services, parlours, the latest styles, prices offered, and reviews on the various salons, spas, or barbershops.
- When you find what you need, book appointments. There’s an e-wallet provided which allows you to pay via MPESA right before you book the appointment. From each booking, you earn points that can be redeemed for future bookings.
- Show up on the date and time agreed.
Its worth to note that the money you pay stays in your e-wallet. It is held by Saspacity to be released to the salon after service is done. If you decide to cancel an appointment, the money remains in your e-wallet to be used whenever you need to. However, if ever you need to cancel an appointment do so 8 hours before the service time. Otherwise, you risk being charged a 30% fine, and only 70% will be returned to your wallet.
Why should you use Saspacity?
The app is currently having with over 400 salons, 1800 styles and 2000 unique haircare and wellness services which gives you a pool of options to choose from. It is also a convenient platform to have because it reduces the friction and time wastage one is subjected to whenever you visit a salon, spa or barbershop. Since the stylist will be expecting you it means you don’t have to wait in line, stray or get overwhelmed on where to start whenever you arrive at the designated area. Again, you can always book a service for a later date which saves you the worry of spending your money on other things, or going to your salon and finding your preferred stylist is absent. Through the platform, you can also chat with the stylist, bargain for services before visiting the appointment.
Another advantage is that you don’t have to go to the salon every time you need services. Whenever the need arises and you cannot make it to your favourite barbershop or nail parlour, all you have to do is book a slot with a freelancing stylist and wait for them to deliver the services at your doorstep or any other preferred location. Not only does this save you commuting time, but it shields you from crowds, especially in these times where social distancing is necessary.
Additionally, considering its an app, expect to be receiving discount updates and offers from different salons and parlours which saves you some money and bargaining time.
Saspacity caters for a clientele from 18 to 50 years of age, by offering a variety of services in different categories. For hair, you will get services like hair braiding, weaving, dreadlocks, styling while for men grooming you will find services like beard shaving and haircut. There are also other services offered like tattooing, henna, massage, piercing, manicure and pedicure and the necessary beauty products.
Prices vary depending on the style, salon and location. For instance, you can get braiding services from as low as Ksh 500 to as high as Ksh 3000. In the same way, mani-pedi can range from Ksh150 to Ksh 4500.
This platform has been launched in Nairobi region only. However, given that beauty and personal care is one of the fastest-growing industries in Kenya, Saspacity expects to expand broadly into the African market, connecting clients to customers in line with market needs.
For more information and bookings, download the Saspacity app, or visit the platforms official website