If you are looking for ways to earn extra cash to settle your bills, the internet has answers for you. There are multiple ways to make money online. All you need is an internet connection and a little cash. Almost half of the global population use the internet daily. More than 3.2 billion people use the internet daily and social media takes most of the eyeballs.
It is surprising, though, that most people are not aware of the many ways to make money online even though they have all the tools. Once you have that gadget and the ability to interact with people on social media sites, you are good to go.
You also need to understand that it will take some time to give you much more than expected. You need a little patience. That is perhaps where most individuals get it wrong. Online money cannot start paying off all your bills after a week or two. It takes effort and time. A little commitment won’t hurt. There are also many scammers online who are waiting for any desperate person looking to make money online.
Here are some ways to make money online.
1. Launch a YouTube Channel to inform and entertain
All you need to have is a connection to the internet. YouTube channels are not only for celebrities or athletes. You can start your own and earn cash from it. As I said earlier, it will take a little bit of time for your channel to get known out there but it has enormous returns. You also have to decide what kind of videos you will be making. Research has shown that Educational content and entertainment content is highly preferred on YouTube. When starting a channel for-profit purposes, you need to consider that.
YouTube channels are based on an advertising system where the more viewers you get on your channel, the more money you make. After you have been approved for the YouTube Partner Program, ads can be included on your videos and this translates to more money. In this case, every 1000 views will give you about Ksh 150-500 depending on the advertising rates. That might seem like a very little amount of money for any individual. But think about this; you are making more than 30 videos per month and the views are averaging 10,000 each that is at least Ksh 110,000 every month for uploading YouTube content alone! All you need is consistency in engaging your subscribers and the audience in general.
2. Build a blog or website dedicated to advertising
Advertising money is the most attainable source of income for websites and blogs. Creating one may cost you some cash. You will also need patience for it to gain traction and traffic. If you create it specifically for advertising, you can partner with a few stalls, malls or product manufacturers to help them reach out to prospective clients. Regardless of the rates, you have in place, partnering with companies or product manufacturers will surely bring in a sizable income.
You can also have an arrangement with the company or service provider where you are entitled to a fee from the direct sales from your advertising. If you are advertising for a motor vehicle company, for example, and you are entitled to 5% of the selling price, you will get Ksh 50, 000 for a vehicle sold for Ksh 1,000,000. That is just one sale. If you drag 10 such deals over the line, you earn a commission of more than Ksh 500,000. That is assuming all vehicles are selling at 1 million. The same can apply to other products and services like a textile firm, Gym services and saloon. In the long-run, you get to make a lot of money. It all begins with patience and making the right choices. The Business Of Blogging: The Rise Of The Online Influencer
3. Start an e-commerce site and sell products
An e-commerce site can work like an advertising website or blog but it is different. On an e-commerce site, customers are able to buy the goods online. The description of the goods and features is also available. You can also make arrangements where you deliver the goods to your customers. The goods can range from household items like utensils to electronic gadgets and appliances. All you need is a little capital to start you off. The good thing about it is that you can do your own advertising and broker deals from the comfort of your house. The power of the internet will enable you to reach thousands of people without having to have a physical office. Selling Your Products Online? Maybe You Should Consider Using The Mzizzi Ecommerce Platform
4. Start Online Coaching and sell your advice
If you are good at something, you can make use of it to earn money online. You can offer a variety of services at a fee. This ranges from helping victims overcome trauma and stigma to offering skills training. You can do short videos, upload them on the internet and install a payment method where people pay to have access to your services. With more than 3.2 billion people on the internet be sure to get a following once you define the nature of your content and work to fully satisfy your target audience. You can also offer short online courses in the form of publications or text. Cool New Skills That You Can Learn Online
5. Become an influencer on social media
As an influencer on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, companies and marketers will be looking for you. People will be willing to pay you just to help them advertise a product. If your posts are getting thousands of interactions on social media, you can use that to your advantage. You can even approach companies and product manufacturers with the prospect of sharing the product for exposure. You will agree on a fee and use your following to your advantage. Do advertising instead of using your accounts for non-profitable purposes.
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