We all love coming of age movies where young teens learn about life through an adventure-filled journey. Well, Big Mouth takes a different route in describing teenage struggles. This Netflix original show mainly focusses on the pubescent stage of teenagehood. It then adds a ton load of inappropriate but hilarious humour thus, creating the perfect animated comedy.
Big Mouth takes advantage of Netflix’s lack of censorship to make one of the most bizarre and borderline-nasty series I’ve watched in a long time. It’s a good laugh, though. You’re also guaranteed non-stop entertainment throughout the series as the kids discover something new about puberty. Though the first few episodes are jarring with sexual themes, you truly invest in the show emotionally quite fast. It makes you curious as to what new developments will the kids encounter.
As always, Nick Kroll never disappoints when it comes to making people cringe with obscene jokes. The show starts on a high as Nick, one of the young boys, sees his best friend’s penis. Just as suspected, he gets insecure about his own commencing a raw series of events. Once each teenager reaches puberty, they get a “hormone monster” who is basically that little voice inside your head. The hormone monster leaves nothing to the imagination as he articulates every dirty thought imaginable.
Similarly, the girls in the show go through their own version of puberty. They get a super confident hormone monstress who guides them through this stage in life. One of the most memorable moments was when Jessi got her period during a school trip while wearing white shorts.
Being an animation, the creators can get away with literally anything. The show portrays underage drinking and promiscuity all while the kids use very inappropriate language. However, the level of transparency makes Big Mouth a relevant show in today’s uncensored society. It acknowledges what everyone went through or will go through at one point in their life in an honest way. It also shows the way boys and girls experience puberty differently. Underneath those awkward, no-filter jokes are fundamental adolescence lessons every teenager should know about.
Though Big Mouth is somehow targeted at teens, watching it as a fully grown adult still feels relatable. It feels reminiscent on the good ol’ days when you’d be in a permanently bad mood for days. It has somehow helped me understand my teenage hood a bit better as well. However, if you can’t stand vulgar language and sex talk, this series is definitely not for you.
Sex is clearly the main theme on Big Mouth as it is emphasized over and over again in each episode. It’s almost like Family Guy or South Park humour on steroids. You either enjoy that kind of entertainment or you don’t. There is no fine line. While some episodes are more graphic than others, they’re all absolutely entertaining.
Watch the trailer.
Series: Big Mouth
Creators: Nick Kroll, Andrew Goldberg, Jennifer Flackett
Actors: Nick Kroll, John Mulaney, Jordan Peele, Maya Rudolph
Episodes: 10
Genre: Animation
Runtime: 30 Minutes
Rating: 8.1 (IMDb)