Kenyans are in for a treat as the Safaricom Twaweza Live Experience was flagged off today. It will have a mix of live music performances, free medical camps, product education, community service, and access to the Safaricom customer care team to get information on products and services that Safaricom provides. Twaweza Live Experience will happen over the next 7 months and the roadshow caravan will spend ten days in each region. The Twaweza Live campaign will also give customers offers on devices.
The campaign which was launched a week ago will visit Central, Eastern, Coast, Rift, Nyanza, Nairobi and Western regions. Everything You Need To Know About Safaricom’s Twaweza Live Campaign
At the end of the first leg of the roadshow caravan, customers will be treated to a live music concert at the Eldoret Sports Club on 26th May featuring Naiboi, Vivian, Njugush, Redsan, Nyashinski, Mercy Masika, Sweet Star, DJ Joe Mfalme and DJ Malaika.

“The Safaricom Twaweza Live Experience aims to solidify our connection with customers across the country. The campaign will take us closer to them and forms an important part of our strategic pillar of putting the customer first, which involves understanding their needs and making impactful investments in community projects that transform their lives,” said Charles Wanjohi, Acting Director of Consumer Business – Safaricom.
The campaign also gives Kenyan musicians a platform to reach out to their fans and showcase their talents through the live music concerts. Safaricom will be focusing on growing and nurturing local music through the SKIZA boot camps, and the talent searches. The boot camps which are targeting over 1000 musicians will also give training on different aspects of the music business like financial and business skills so that they can turn their passion for music into a profitable business.

The Safaricom Foundation will be investing in six community projects which will be selected by Kenyans over the 7 month period. A key benefit of the Twaweza Live concerts for the communities is that there will be free medical camps in partnership with the Kenya Diabetes Management and Information Centre and M-TIBA.
The Safaricom Twaweza Live Experience will kick off in the Rift region with the opening of the company’s second retail shop in Nakuru town. This will be followed by a flag-off of the roadshow caravan, which will traverse Nakuru County before heading to Kericho and finally Eldoret, where Safaricom is partnering with iProcure to unveil a new Digifarm depot at Burnt Forest targeting thousands of farmers.
Speaking of music, have you tried using the New Songa Music App?