Job hunting is stressful thus there is no need to make it even worse by making mistakes that could cost you the job. There are small mistakes that you may make, those are one-offs, mistakes you make once or twice. However, there are mistakes you keep making throughout your job hunt that may cost you your dream job. Some of these mistakes may even happen without your knowledge. It is even worse for fresh graduates looking for employment for the first time.
When you are not familiar with the job market, you could end up messing up your first couple of interviews. So what are these mistakes and how can we avoid them?

Taking rejection personally.
Often, most of us do not get the job we are looking for on the first try. Only a few are lucky to get picked that quickly. A lot of companies or organizations will turn you down. For every yes you hear, there were probably 5 no’s before that. When organizations turn you down it is often purely for business reasons.
Taking every rejection personally can drain your spirit and energy. It can make you feel like you are not good enough to fill a certain role which is not the case. Don’t take it too seriously and most importantly, learn from it. Take any feedback given to you and use it to become better for your next job interview.
Messing up interviews
Interviews are a very important aspect of job recruitment. This is when the employer gets to meet potential employees for the first time. It is the chance for you who are seeking a job to sell yourself beyond what is seen on paper- your CV. The only issue is that you have a stipulated amount of time to do so and first impressions go a long way.
Since different interviewers look for different things, you can not cram for an interview. However, there are things that stand out across the board. Some include: keep your answers clear and straight to the point, make eye contact with the interviewer, and avoid fidgeting. Though such things may sound trivial, they may cause an interviewer to either like you or dislike you. Remember, the interviewer is also human and is prone to rely on simple keys of human interaction.
Getting your hopes high
There is sometimes a very thin line between confidence and arrogance and often it shows in your attitude. Confidence is believing in your abilities in undertaking the advertised role. Arrogance is believing you are better than everyone else looking for the same job. You act like the interviewers should give you the job just for being who you are.
Even though you feel overqualified for the position, reel in the overconfidence and focus on selling those qualifications the best way you can.
Waiting until the last minute to apply for jobs
This applies to first-time job applicants or those who are looking to leave a firm. Start looking for prospective jobs as early as possible. Most people wait until a couple of days prior to when they need a job to start searching.
Most reputable companies especially large ones, post their job openings a couple of weeks or months prior to recruitment. This allows them to not only to get a pool of candidates but also to go through the recruitment process without rushing. So start your job hunting early enough.
Relying only on posted job openings
If you are actively looking for a job, you need to be more proactive as opposed to being reactive. Applying for jobs you see posted online or otherwise is not enough.
Take the initiative and get out there. You would be amazed at how many job opportunities lie in simple conversation. It may be easy to sit behind a computer an draft a really crafty cover letter then wait for a reply. However, selling yourself face to face is more likely to get you the job you want. Use all the methods available to you to get the job of your dreams.
Applying for a job? Here are 9 Proven Ways To Create Compelling Job Application Letters. Also, check out Tips For Attending A Job Interview