More and more people are going under the knife. Big or small, everyone has a thing to say about boobs. There are numerous solutions online and passed down in the hush of homes or among the chatter of girlfriends over a glass of wine or a cup of tea on how to improve the texture, appearance and firmness of their breasts.
Surgical options have always been the faster and generally more lasting solution to your breast woes but a recent study is now showing that those precious implants could now be detrimental to your health.
There are various types of implants. These include silicone breast implants which a are filled with silicone gel, saline implants which are filled with salt water, smooth and textured implants which have different holds on the breast tissue depending on your preference.
A rare type of cancer called anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) has been linked to breast implants, with nine deaths being reported and a further 359 breast implant related cancers by February 1st being reported as well by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the US. The FDA emphasised that it was not a type of breast cancer.
The cancer attacks the immune system and women who have undergone breast augmentation and had implants inserted had a low but increased risk of developing the cancer. It is also more common among those who opted for textured breast implants as opposed to those who had smooth ones. Out if the 359 reported cases, 208 if those were textured. Textured implants have a slight roughness and are less likely to move once inserted as they adhere to breast tissue. However, they are more likely to leak and ripple compared to the smooth ones.
Because the cancer is so rare and the studies are still relatively new, the real cause as to what exactly in the implants increases the occurrence of the cancer is not yet known but more studies are being done.
During the study, doctors and patients were advised to look out for abnormal changes in their implants such as fluid build up and hardening of the breast area around the implant that causes to them be painful. The cancer can take up to ten years to develop but if detected early, it can be treated and it’s not very fatal.
Suggested routine check ups and regular mammogram screenings will help spot the cancerous cells before they escalate and get out of hand. Those with silicone implants are also advised to get Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) screenings as well in order to pick out the cancer cells that form around the capsule of breast implants.
Whether it’s for medical or aesthetic purposes, it’s important to do your research properly before getting breast implants. A proper medical check up will help in determining whether or not you have any hereditary dispositions to cancer. It is also important to find a reputable medical practitioner to do the procedure for you.