We spend a great deal with smartphones, but how efficiently are you using your phone? Statistics show that the total number of smartphone users worldwide is bound to reach 2.08 billion in 2016 and this generation is also one of the most information savvy in our time. We have unlimited information but limited time so how exactly do you ensure that you get the best and most relevant out of all this information? How do you make sure you are productive?
Microsoft has set up a platform on Windows 10 that seeks to reinvent productivity and business processes in our mobile world. The feature, Office 365, promises to make collaboration easier with a host of new apps. The apps are the latest addition to Office 365, Microsoft’s cloud-based subscription service that helps increase productivity in day-to-day activities.
During the worldwide launch of Office 2016, Satya Nadella, Chief Executive Officer of Microsoft said, “The way people work has changed dramatically, and that’s why Microsoft is focused on reinventing productivity and business processes for the mobile-first, cloud-first world. These latest innovations take another big step forward in transforming office from a familiar set of individual productivity apps to a connected set of apps and services designed for modern working, collaboration and teamwork.”
Together, the new Office and Windows 10 are the complete solution to overall productivity. The features and apps are designed to help change the nature of work not just in organizations but in an individual’s life across these dimensions:
Mobility: Mobility is a critical part of our lives and Microsoft enables an enhancement of the mobility of the experience, not just of the device regardless of what the device is. The adaption of Cloud 365 acts as an equalizer; an intersection point of todays’ businesses. It helps to tap into the power of mobile and cloud technology, making it even easier to work, communicate and collaborate anytime, anywhere and from any device.
Social productivity: Most people think that having a smartphone is just about being able to access your social media pages – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Whatsapp etc. – with the additional exception of a camera that can take good photos. But how much more can you do with your phone to increase your overall productivity? With Office 2016 tools, you can be able to do so much more. It allows you to work – and play – from anywhere at any time.
Intelligence cloud: The Microsoft Cloud helps to protect your data. With challenges that we face today with data security like keeping your data secure and private, the Microsoft Cloud helps keep all this safe and most importantly ensuring your data is for your eyes only
Natural use of technology: Technology nowadays has become so natural. From the everyday use of features like speech recognition, augmented reality and the help of Cortana, your very own personal assistant, technology has become embedded in our everyday lives.
So what exactly is productivity and how can you ensure productivity in this reality?
Speaking at an event in Nairobi, Mr. Remi Dairo, productivity consultant and president of the School of Productivity and Business Innovation Management in Lagos, Nigeria gave a fresh insight into productivity.
He gave seven keys into how to achieve 21st century productivity which include:
- Clarity: We have been gifted with a one of a kind platform where we get whatever information we want at the tip of our fingers. But what exactly do you want? You have to be clear and precise about the information that you want and need.
- Research: Almost all inventions and ideas that we have now were already there before, but what makes you stand out is the difference in how you bring out your idea. Who has done what or worked on this before and how can I do it better?
- Find the tools: How can I make it easier, faster and more convenient? How can you make sure you provide your information, goods or services to your customers at the most opportune of ways?
- Connect to the world: How can I share it to the world and expand my access? With an abundance of applications and social media platforms, how can you make sure that your work or content is viewed and shared not just in Kenya but in other countries as well?
- Find an online platform: Where do I get global credibility and an expert community to not just build your credibility but your networks as well? Expand your contacts to expand your knowledge base.
- Keep it in the cloud: How can I make my content or information more safe or protected for the next generation?
- Productivity on the go: How can I continue to connect with colleagues or clients irrespective of space, location or time? Nowadays very many people work from home and some can even work when stuck in traffic. Working is not signing in at the office and sitting in front of the computer from 9-5. Productivity can be achieved irrespective of your location, time or space
With high-end features, a multiple efficient app platform and the best Windows 10 experience, Microsoft ensures that you turn your gadgets into exemplary tools of maximum productivity.