With the growing reliance on computers and information technology, we might assume that computer-based and online learning had become the rule rather than the exception for work-related training. Especially in the knowledge sector.
The truth is a little more complicated. While e-Learning continues to grow in popularity, it’s still a long way from taking over as the primary mode of workplace training. One study that examined the training activities of over 1,200 knowledge workers at the end of three year period, found that only 34% had participated in computer-based or online training for work.
People generally oppose, or rather fear change which is probably why E-learning has taken so long to be integrated into a part of our culture. Yet there are so many reasons it should be embraced and I will list a few of the benefits.
Learnerverse.uk shares that E-learning produces a 60% faster learning curve, 90% less energy consumption and a 50% productivity boost…and these are just some of the benefits!
Save money – e-learning training courses are extremely cost-efficient. With classroom/instructor costs continuing to increase, plus travel/refreshment/staff covering all required, e-learning makes obvious sense at a fraction of the cost. When it comes to companies, an investment in e-learning courses brings huge returns for a business. Arranging for a training session brings with it a lot of expenditure: travel, stay, equipment and many more. Online training courses can successfully bridge employees across all locations, and learning does not necessitate unnecessary travel.
Flexibility – learning can be done at a time, place and pace that suits you. Downtime at work, organised ‘learning periods’, working at home – there are many possibilities. Planning for training sessions can be tedious as the availability of learners as well as trainers needs to be kept in mind. Digital learning provides a definite solution to the problem of time constraints.
Monitoring and Assessment: A key ingredient to learning is the instant ability to track how it is being used and to ensure that some degree of learning has taken place through online assessments of learners. Regardless of whether you have a Learning Management System (LMS) or use a web-based platform, these tools should be fundamental to the success of e-learning. Certificates can also be downloaded to provide evidence of learning and assessment success.
Productivity Boost – With The Research Institute of America reports that e-Learning has the power to increase information retention rates by up to 60%; it is easy to appreciate how it can help to boost productivity. Learning can often become a tedious process for many but endured because it is necessary or mandatory. This tedium of learning can be enhanced through the use of video, audio and interactivity to engage the learner on even the driest of subjects. IBM conducted a study into this and according to the report released they released, companies who promote e-learning as a way of training their employees can potentially increase productivity by up to 50%.
Better for Individuals -E-training really can save time in the classroom. A recent study by Ezine, relating to different European companies highlighted their ability to condense 30,000 hours of classroom-based training into less than 700 hours of e-learning. In percentage terms, this is a compression rate of 76%.
Check out TribeHR, Maguire Training, and Embrace learning.com for more information on E-learning.
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