The establishment of the leading classifieds company in Kenya, OLX, has greatly contributed to the growth of e-commerce. On this platform, users have been able to transactions with ease. Sellers find willing buyers, a price is negotiated for the merchandise and sale is made. However, the platform faces the challenges of delivery where sometimes goods get into the wrong hands or what was negotiated for is not delivered. On the part of the buyer, this amounts to duping. Where the buyer fails to honor their part of the agreement, it becomes a loss for the seller. In a bid to iron out these challenges, OLX has entered into a partnership with secure logistics company G4S to ease delivery of goods from the sellers to buyers.

Through this partnership, sellers will enter into an agreement with buyers where the sellers will deliver goods at the G4S centers nearest to them and buyers will be able to access these goods at the centers near them. This is what the partnership means to the users of the OLX platform.
Safety to users
Safety of products will be guaranteed through the agreement between sellers and buyers. Sellers will be asked to set a security question that is to be answered by the buyer upon collection of the package. The buyer will also be required to present their identification documents for purposes of verification. This will ensure that the package reaches its intended recipient.
Ease of transport
G4S will lessen the burden of transport for both the sellers and buyers. This means that sellers will not have to look for means of shipping the items to buyers or the buyers looking for means for collecting the goods from sellers. This service, however, is optional. Users are at liberty of choosing the mode of transport that suits them.
Convenience of services
Once a user identifies the product they need from the platform and a deal is struck between the selling party and the buying party, G4S will be the delivering party. Convenience is guaranteed because the company has the capacity of handling any shipment from zero kilos to tonnes. Parties will not have to worry how they will access the goods once there is an agreement to sell and buy. Goods will be brought closer to their doorsteps. Goods will be delivered within 12 hours.
Subsidized rates
This partnership agreement was entered into with the main aim of serving the users. Users will enjoy subsidized flat rates of shipment, 0-5 kgs will have a specific rate while items more than 5 kgs will incur variable costs. All these are discounted rates.
Countrywide services
This partnership will see a pilot service conducted for three months within Nairobi region after which it will be rolled out in all the regions in the country. G4S currently has 141 offices countrywide which will serve as drop points for sellers and collection points for buyers.
The OLX-G4S partnership promises to enhance the buyer and seller experience. Well defined logistical operations will see the parties involved reach a win-win situation.