I was giving away tickets to the Safaricom Jazz concert featuring Salif Keita. The questions were 1. Why you like African Music and 2. Who is your favourite African musician? I have to admit it was tough to choose four winners because all of the answers were fantastic. But in every competition there have to be winners and losers. Here are the winning comments for the competition.

African music uses traditional instruments that make it very authentic and the beat so irresistible. I love African music because when one listens to it, one has no choice but to get up and dance. 🙂 My favourite African musician is Oliver Mutukudzi. – Sue Buku
African Music is like a piece of puzzle that fits in with other pieces to complete the great puzzle of Music. Without it music isn’t complete. My favorite African artist(s) is the group Mi Casa. Their blend of South African/deep house with some jazz to it is melody to my ears. – Kinyanjui Alex
When I listen to music from Africa, my body responds. Music..African music is my joy…my therapy…That is why I love it. My favorite African musician is Oliver Mtukudzi…it goes without saying.- Michael Kwambo
I love African music because of the beats. I find myself dancing to Afro tunes that I don’t recognize. Salif Keita is among my favorite African musicians because of the North African touch in his Music. – Juliet Hephzibah