Zuku Fiber today has launched an internet service consumer education and awareness campaign. This will be happening on social media platforms. The campaign which was launched today at their store at the Junction started off to an exciting start with dancers entertaining shoppers. There were also 2 lucky people at the launch who managed to win an iPad during Zuku’s raffle.
The campaign will run for 4 months. The campaign is named “My Zuku Fiber story” and seeks to create conservations with existing and potential customers. It is a platform for Zuku customers to share their experiences and testimonials.
You can participate in the campaign by commenting using the hashtag #MyZukuFiberStory so that the comments can be tracked.
Zuku will have a mobile clinic service going around residential areas. The clinic will have live demonstrations on how Zuku Fiber will be delivered to homes and offices.
Wananchi Group CEO Richard Alden said that Zuku wants to listen to its customers, get their feedback but also educate them on Zuku on the social media platform. The idea is to form and build long lasting relationships. Mr Alden said that Zuku Fiber is a preferred internet choice for Kenya for office, field and home use.
This comes at an opportune time even as Zuku plans to launch in Mombasa. Zuku plans to cable around 100,000 homes when they are done.