“Tusimame” a big tune about saving elephants was launched on Tuesday evening at the residence of the US Ambassador to Kenya. Our very own Juliani Kenya teamed up with some of the region’s best artists including South Sudan’s Emmanuel Jal, Tanzania’s Vanessa Mdee and Congo’s Syssi Mananga to perform the song. The song is about Africa’s heritage and protecting our elephants.
In attendance were diplomats, government officials, NGO’s affiliated with wildlife and the media. There were many familiar faces from the local music scene including DJs and well known musicians.
The Tusimame event was hosted by Robert F. Godec, the US Ambassador to Kenya. In January he had also hosted another Elephant related event #tweet4Elephants. It was interesting to see the distinguished guests enjoying and dancing to the music as the song played. Later on Emmanuel Jal taught the guests a PG African version of the tweak and people had a great time dancing to the African beats.