Airtel Kenya has partnered with UP Magazine to create a unique award ceremony to celebrate and reward innovative designers in Kenya. The award ceremony which is titled ‘Design Thinking’ (DXD- Disruption by Design) has various categories. These include Architecture Design, Communications Design, Fashion Design, Interior Design, Interactive Design- focusing on web design, gaming and mobile interfaces, Tech Design, Product Design- useful human based designs that improve life, Green Design – Covering designs that improve or enhance the environment.
The criteria for selection include excellence, innovation, and enhancement of the quality of life. The candidates should be citizens or long term residents of Kenya. They should also have been practicing design for at least 3 years. Corporations and institutions must have their headquarters in Kenya. Honorees are selected for a body of realized work, not for any one specific project.
Today there will be talk by Airtel Kenya and UP magazine at Nailab in partnership with BAKE. The event will start at 6 pm. If you would be interested in attending please send an email to [email protected].
For more information on the competition please check out
Candidates are proposed by an Official Nominating Committee and are invited to submit materials for a jury’s review. There will be a February launch event, after which submissions will be welcome on the website. The DXD committee will oversee the events and submission process and the Grand Jury will conduct the voting exercises following the final submission dates. There is also a People’s Choice Award – further details to be announced on February 19th.