The digital migration is finally here. For those who may not know what that is about it is the switch from Analogue broadcasting to Digital broadcasting. Many of you had probably bought your new set top boxes last year when the migration was to commence. Some of you may have been waiting for the last minute and got a reprieve when the date was changed.
Well now the digital migration is course and you will have to get your set top box in order to you and your family to be able to watch TV. The date for Nairobi is the 31th of December 2014. The rest of the country will migrate in 2 phases. The first on the 2nd February 2015 will cover Mombasa, Malindi, Nyeri, Meru, Kisumu, Webuye, Kakamega, Kisii, Nakuru, Eldoret, Nyahururu (Nyadundo), Machakos, Narok and Loldiani (Rongai). The third and final phase will take place on 30th March 2015 and shall cover Garissa, Kitui, Lodwar, Lokichogio, Kapenguria, Kabarnet, Migori, Voi (Vuria), Mbwinzau/Kibwezi, Namanga and all other remaining sites.
For the consumers digital migration offers among other things better picture quality, more choice in channels, more access and interface with to interface with devices such as a cell phone, memory card or internet modem and you will be able to get High Defination Television which has great picture and sound quality.
Kenya as well will get to benefit as digital migration offers numerous opportunities including creating new jobs, skill development and business opportunities as well.
The Director General of the Communications Authority of Kenya (CAK), Mr. Francis Wangusi today launched the official consumer awareness campaign on digital migration. He said that “the great interest in digital broadcasting is testimony to the momentum that is building for us in Kenya to achieve full migration to the digital age. You will all agree that this is not an easy path but with consensus building with all players and continuous sensitization of consumers, it will certainly ease the journey for many of us.” The Supreme Court of Kenya had directed that CAK consult with all parties in September 2014. This was done and now the digital migration will take place as there is no opposition to it now.
This campaign is timely as it is important that consumers get answers to important questions like why they are moving, the importance of moving, when they are required to migrate among other questions. Also they need to know where to find the set top boxes and how to choose an appropriate set top box to buy.
Mr. Francis Wangusi said that the dates were arrived at after meetings with relevant parties. He stated “the Authority has commenced the process that will result in the issuance of an infrastructure license for self-provisioning signal distribution for the three media houses, this is in line with the recommendation of the Supreme Court”.
The international deadline for digital migration is 17th June 2015. The proposed dates for switch off enable Kenya to be able to transition at least 2 months before the set date.
The approved vendors for top boxes and their costs and locations can be found at this link.
You can also get any answers you need on the digital migration here.
You can also interact with the digital migration team on social media on Twitter and Facebook.
This article Why does digital broadcast migration matter to Africa gives you a great perspective on why we need to migrate.