Tomorrow all roads lead to TEDxNairobi. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design – three areas that are collectively shaping the cutting edge of our horizons. This year’s TEDxNairobi will be at the Catholic University of East Africa. The event will run from 9:30 am to 6:00pm.
You have probably watched some TEDTalks videos on YouTube or been sent for a video on Whatsapp. TEDTalks have have reached over a billion views through, enlightening audiences worldwide with their powerful ideas. TEDxNairobi operates under a license from TED. It is an independently organized event that creates a platform for international and local speakers to bring the TED experience to Nairobi.
This year the talks will revolve around the theme of a A WasTED World?!” The talks will look at the challenges of reducing waste and creating prosperity in developing countries. As TEDxNairobi puts it “We are looking for new ways to transform the cycles that define our lives, in order to upgrade or redesign systems that support our rapidly changing world.”
Tickets to the event are already sold out but you can follow the talks on live stream or social media hashtag #TEDxNairobi
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