Persons with disabilities are often discriminated against when they search for jobs due to stigmatization and often the ignorance of those who are hiring. Sometimes they are not hired because companies are not able (or do not want) to put in the special facilities like toilets that are needed for those who use wheelchairs. It therefore becomes hard for people with disabilities to support themselves even though they are able and willing to work to earn their daily bread.
People with disabilities are just as capable as other people to work and contribute to making Kenya a better place. It is with this in mind that Barclays Bank is tomorrow hosting a career fair for persons with disabilities.
The fair will discuss issues regarding the available employment opportunities and the challenges. The fair is also intended to increase their capacity in readiness for the job market.
The event will be at the KICC from 8.30 am.
Barclays Bank will also launch their Diversity and Inclusion Disability agenda in efforts to incorporate more persons with disabilities to their workforce.
Some of the key speakers will be Dr. David Ole Sankok – Chairman of the National Council of Persons with Disabilities, Prof. Michael Ndurumo – Lecturer at the Department of Psychology at the University of Nairobi and Barclays Bank of Kenya Chairman Mr. Francis Okomo-Okello.