You are my heartbeat,
From the time I was in your womb
And you sheltered me from the world.
You were my world, my support system.
You loved me even before you knew me,
And your love was strong and protective.
From the minute I was born, you clothed me with your love
And I was clothed in radiance and beauty.
Your love is a beautiful thing,
It’s like a diamond but more flawless,
Sparkling so much that everyone can see it.
From the day I arrived into this world, you were my angel, my guardian, my
You have gone above and beyond for me,
Given your all to help me grow,
Achieve my dreams and stand tall.
Your belief in me has shaped my belief in me,
Taught me to not give up on myself,
Believing that I shall and must make it.
You play such a great role in my life.
You were my teacher, my trainer, my friend,
My banker, my role model and my life coach before anyone else.
You encouraged me to reach for the stars and walked with me,
For when I couldn’t walk you held me
And started my journey for me.
When I could only crawl you encouraged me to keep moving.
When I could walk and fall you held my hand so that I may lean on your strength
and help.
Now that I can walk alone I hold your hand so that we may walk together,
That I may show you how the seeds of hope you sowed in me have bloomed,
And turned into a beautiful growing garden.
I am like a plant,
You were the sun and rain that gave me the power to grow.
As a maturing tree, I lie in the shade of your shadow,
And I marvel at how you have helped me grow.
You and God are the foundation of me,
The rock that has helped me not sink but stand tall.
I can’t ever say thanks enough or tell you how much I love you,
For the love I have for you can’t be qualified or quantified,
It’s just as constant as the sun.
You, Mum, are just more precious and priceless,
Than anything the richest man could buy.
I am rich because I have you,
I am blessed because I have you as my Mum
And I am honoured because God chose the perfect mum for me.
Have a great Birthday.
Remember you are greatly loved, appreciated and valued.
Love Wangari
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