The BAKE awards were held last Saturday at the Intercontinental hotel. It was awesome as bloggers hang out, ate until they were full, then ate some more. That’s how much food there was. The most important thing was we celebrated bloggers. The best bloggers in Kenya. You voted for them and we just crowned them winners. There was a festive mood in the air. People cheered for their favourite bloggers when their names were called. There could be only one winner for each category (there were 2 for sports) so of course there were a few sad moments when people found out that they hadn’t won. But in the end we all celebrated. We had fun, mingled and people vowed to win it the next time around.
The blogging space has grown over the last three years. Most of the bloggers who won in 2014 have not won before. The competition has become stiff and this is a great thing for the industry. New writers are coming up, content is getting better and confidence is growing. We look forward to bigger and better things in the next year.
Find out if your favourite blogger won.
Best Technology Blog
Best Photography Blog
Best Creative Writing Blog
Best Business Blog
Best Food Blog
Best Environmental/Agricultural Blog
Best Fashion/Beauty/Hair/Style Blog
Best Politics Blog
Best New Blog
Best Corporate Blog
Best Topical Blog
Best Sports Blog (A tie)
Best Entertainment/Lifestyle Blog
Best Travel Blog
Best Health Blog
Best County Blog
Best Kenyan Blog of the Year
Pictures for the BAKE awards can be found here.