Have you ever found yourself trapped in a premium service that you didn’t know how you signed up to? Or you even are sure you didn’t subscribe but there your airtime is being deducted regularly, sometimes in huge chunks? Well there is a DIY solution as of last month, just incase you weren’t aware, at-least on Safaricom. I am yet to find out the same on other Mobile network Providers.
- On Prepay, dial *100# and on Postpay dial *200#
- You will get a list of options as seen above, select Premium Rate Services
- Inside Premium Services, select My Subscriptions
- This will list all the Premium services you are subscribed to
- You have an option to unsubscribe to each or all of them
Just incase you need to get any of them back, you will need to do the first two steps, select buy services and you will have a list of services in 7 categories; these being news, music, sports, inspiration, job search, dating and goal.
This is a guest post from Martin Gicheru – Techweez. Follow him at @martingicheru on Twitter and Google+.