I could make you fall in love with me,
Seduce you with words,
Make your heart beat fast when I am near.
I could kiss you senseless,
Make you burn hot.
I could show you my crazy side,
Make you crazy with love and lust.
I could make you fall in love with me,
But I won’t.
Because I would then crush your heart into powder
And make you ache with pain, loss and regret.

I would make you bleed,
A mortal blow so bad you’d wish you’d died
But you’d be alive in agony.
I could make you fall so hard,
Then break you, leave you stranded on the love dance floor.
I could make you fall in love with me,
But I won’t,
Because I can’t make you happy,
Eventually, I will leave,
Leaving you as a living portrait mirror of me,
A broken, walking love zombie.
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