The fridge is the one place that should be sparkling clean but in many cases, it’s filthy. Whether we’d like to admit it or not, cleaning the fridge can be a nightmare and many of us simply turn a blind eye until we can’t anymore. However, it doesn’t have to be like that. If given a choice, we’d all want a perfectly organized fridge that is worthy to store our food. Having an organized fridge is not only aesthetically pleasing but also helps you reduce food wastage and makes the cooking process more enjoyable. So, if you struggle to keep it organized, here are some tips that can help.
Avoid Storing Milk In The Door
Many of us make the mistake of storing milk in the door compartments. Though it holds the milk carton in place thus reducing spillage, it’s not the best place to keep your milk or other perishable foods since this is one of the warmest areas of the fridge. Instead, keep your milk somewhere on the middle shelves where there are constant temperatures. To avoid spillage, transfer the milk to a bottle with a cover. Glass bottles are ideal as they keep the milk cool and fresh for a long time.
Add Shelf Liners
One of the biggest enemies of an organized fridge is spillage. One spill can ruin your whole aesthetic which is why it’s important to know how to manage spillage. Spills in the fridge are inevitable since we store foodstuff and condiments which can pour no matter how careful we are. Lining the fridge shelves with easy-to-clean sheets can make it easier to manage spills and keep the fridge spotless.
Use Storage Containers For Everything
Storage containers are one of the best additions to any fridge. If you want to keep your fridge organized for long, you must have storage containers. You should get containers for everything including vegetables, cans, and leftover food. This not only makes it look visually appealing but also you’ll be able to keep everything in place which reduces clutter. It also makes it easier to know what you should restock.
Use A Lazy Susan
A lazy susan is a circular tray that spins. It’s a convenient way of storing things in the fridge since it allows you to access things that would have been tacked away at the back of your fridge. Additionally, you don’t have to disarrange your fridge to access these small items when you have a lazy susan. It’s especially great for storing condiments, food and beverage cans, and small yoghurt containers.
Do A Good Deep Clean
Every once in a while, your fridge requires some extra attention. It’s necessary to deep clean your fridge to avoid odours and bacteria from contaminating your food. Additionally, if you want to keep it organized, you should start on a clean slate. Wash the shelves and bins in warm, detergent water then rinse well and allow to dry. When the shelves and bins are drying, clean the inside of the fridge with warm soapy water and a sponge then rinse thoroughly.
Wipe All Items Before Storing
Groceries, bottles, and jars from the supermarket or the local market can be quite dirty. It would be counterproductive to store them without wiping them, especially after cleaning your fridge. Additionally, they can carry bacteria that can contaminate your other foodstuff. Make sure you always wipe things after purchasing them. You should also wipe any old bottles cans and groceries that might be dirty.
Use Coffee Grounds As An Air Purifier
We all know that smell that hits us when we open our fridge door. It doesn’t necessarily have to be bad. Sometimes, it’s the smell of onions or cooked food but for some, this smell can be annoying. Used coffee grounds can remove bad odours and keep it smelling fresh. Additionally, it’s more effective than baking soda and can last for years without needing replacement. 6 Awesome Facts About Coffee
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