Mornings are beautiful. They are a chance to start over and be better versions of ourselves, right? Well, not for everyone. Mornings can actually be quite torturous. For people who don’t enjoy them, the light, noise, and ‘rush’ can be too much to bear. That’s okay, though, because there’s a way around the problem.
Scientifically, there are morning people and there are evening people. These are all dependent on sleep chronotypes, a classification of when your genetic propensity is to sleep. Even so, the capitalistic world that we live in may force all of us to wake up early in the morning and be productive.
Even so, it’s important to realise that nearly everything in life is a matter of perspective. Yes, you hate mornings, and your sleep chronotype agrees. That’s okay. But if you’re not willing to change the lens through which you look at it, then you won’t be able to make your mornings easier. Start by having a positive mentality and affirming within yourself that your mornings can indeed be smoother.
Here are 8 ways to make your mornings easier if you are not a morning person.
1. Get a good night’s sleep
You go into bed at 1 am, knowing fully well that you need to be awake in the next four hours. Then, you wake dishevelled and blame it on mornings. The problem may actually just be that you are not sleeping enough. Lack of sleep at night can make you cranky the next day. While you sleep, your brain processes your emotions. Your mind needs this time in order to recognize and react the right way. When you cut that short by sleeping late, you end up with more negative emotional reactions than positive ones. 7 Ways To Fix Your Sleep Schedule Especially For Those With Irregular Sleep Patterns
2. Set an electronics curfew
Some of us are so attached to our electronics that we can’t go to bed without them. We use shows and movies to fall asleep. What we don’t know is that this may in fact be affecting our mornings and making them harder to deal with. Our phones and laptops emit blue light, which signals to our brain that it is daytime, which in turn produces less melatonin. Less melatonin makes it harder to fall asleep because the hormone helps you fall asleep by calming your body before bed. Allow yourself to unplug by silencing notifications. To deal with this, set an electronics curfew.
3. Start your day with water, not coffee
Coffee can have an instant energy boost. For some of us, the only thing we believe we can stomach in the morning is coffee. However, if you want to make your mornings more ‘palatable,’ start them with a glass of water instead. Drinking water right when you wake up also referred to as water loading can help jumpstart your brain. Water helps with brain function and alertness.
4. Prepare the night before
Mornings can be messy when you wake up to disorganisation. No matter how late it is or how tired you are, make sure to always prepare for your mornings the night before. Pick out your outfit, iron your clothes, pack your work bag and even your food in its container(s). That way, when you wake up, you will have less to worry about. Additionally, you may want to prepare a to-do list for the following day, so you wake up feeling motivated and full of purpose. Streamline everything the night before and you will move faster and more efficiently in the morning.
5. Get some natural sunlight
Light can be super irritating, especially if you’re not a morning person. It disrupts your sleep and bombards you with a reminder that it’s time to face the day. Even so, getting some sunlight in can help your mornings become easier. How? To function properly, your circadian rhythm relies on sunlight or daylight to understand that it’s time to be awake and alert. As soon as you wake up, open your blinds and let the light in. Go for a short walk in the sun, and you will gradually find your mornings to be easier.
6 Health And Mental Benefits Of Sunlight
6. Eat the right breakfast
You are literally what you eat. If you’re trying to make your mornings easier, you might want to change your eating habits. Meal prepping can help you to ensure that you don’t skip breakfast and that you eat the right thing. Breakfast replenishes the stores of energy and nutrients in your body, but only if you eat the right foods. Focus on energy-giving nutrient and vitamin-filled foods such as fruits, yoghurt, porridge, cereals, and smoothies. Eating breakfast will increase overall energy intake and get you kick-started for the bright day ahead. The Secret Benefits Of Having Breakfast Early In The Morning
7. Start with gratitude
Gratitude is an underrated form of increasing your level of optimism for life. Being grateful changes your entire perspective on life and helps you to attract more blessings. Be aware of the first thoughts you have when you wake up. Often our first thoughts are of exhaustion or even dread, but if you can instead train your mind to have thoughts of gratitude, you may have an easier time getting out of bed. It will also help you be more excited about your day.
8. Focus on enjoyable tasks
If you are a night owl, there’s little you can do to change that. What you can do, however, is make mornings more bearable. One way to do that is to focus on what you enjoy. Some tasks are so daunting that even the thought of them makes you snooze your alarm. Avoid them in the morning. Do what makes you happy, and set the boring tasks aside for later in the day. Avoid prioritizing “just to get it out of the way” tasks, especially if they are unpleasant or you want to avoid mistakes. Mornings are easier when you get to be selfish.
Check out
How To Create The Perfect Morning Routine And Stop Struggling To Get In The Groove
The Secret Benefits Of Having Breakfast Early In The Morning
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