The first few days after a heartbreak will humble you. When you finally choose to get back into the dating scene, you will meet all types of people from all walks of the universe. If you haven’t met the broke guy, the clingy guy, the annoying guy, and the guy who talks too much, then you must be lucky. I thought I had seen it all until I met The Opportunist.
We had been talking once in a while, even when I was in my previous relationship. He would send me texts here and there, but at the time I had all the attention I needed from a guy. I responded at my own time and with half-hearted energy. I wondered what made him keep on coming back in the first place, and to date, I don’t have an answer to that question.
A week after I broke up with my boyfriend, The Opportunist came back to my life. It had been about three weeks since I sent him a text, and I understood why he didn’t respond. I acted like I didn’t care, but then that was my classic move. The men who got past that trait were very few.
The Opportunist was being unusually nice this time. For once, he didn’t call me ‘Woman,’ something which had irritated me from the jump.
“How have you been?” He asked.
“I’m alright. Just battling with this cold weather,” I answered. Within four exchanges I realized that this was the other reason I wasn’t interested in this guy. He was… How do I put this? Boring. He didn’t make me laugh or feel anything for that matter. Quite frankly, we could go six months without talking and I would probably not notice it.
The Opportunist came back into my DM’s two days later. This was unusual for him. In the short period that I had known him, he seemed to me like a proud guy. The kind of guy who wants to be chased a little. I was never that kind of girl, and because of that, he would be waiting a long long time before he got my attention. Then, with one sentence, he finally did.
He asked me, “Do you prefer gold or silver for your jewellery?”
“I prefer silver. Why?” I asked in excitement. What was he going to buy me? I wondered. This was the quickest way to get my attention, and he had finally mastered the art.
I waited five minutes, nothing. Then an hour and two passed, by this time I had sort of moved on. I knew he would be back so I went about my business. A day later he finally reappeared.
“Hi. Sorry I fell asleep yesterday afternoon,” he said, and I wondered why he felt the need to explain himself to me.
“So as I was saying, I have something for you,” he said. Two minutes later, pictures came streaming into my inbox. Pictures of beautiful bracelets and earrings.
“Since you said that you prefer silver, here are a few things. Let me know which ones you like,” he said. I couldn’t contain myself. I was excited especially because I had been meaning to get my hands on some new accessories. I quickly sent back the pictures of the pieces that I liked.
“This guy sure had good taste. Maybe I misjudged him all along,” I said to myself.
I waited another two days for his response, and when it finally came, I wished he had just disappeared.
”Hey, sorry again. I keep missing your texts. So those three pieces will be a total of 2,500 shillings. You can send the money to my number,” he said.
I paused, laughed a little, then read the text again. Had I misread the whole situation, or did this guy just try to sell me what was supposed to be a gift?
It took me two days to respond to him, but I finally did. I purchased the pieces out of shame. I didn’t want him to know what I had been thinking.
“Welcome back to the dating scene. You missed out on nothing,” I said to myself.
Other stories from The Singlehood Series:
My Date Offered Me Money So I Could Leave
How I Got Stuck With The Bill After A Date With A Broke Guy
She Showed Up To Our First Date With Her Ex-Boyfriend
I Confessed To Stalking Her On The First Date
She Stopped Dating Him Because He Talked Too Much About Himself
She Ghosted Him Because Of What He Ordered On Their First Date
She Found Out That Her Ex-Boyfriend Had Hacked Her Social Media Accounts
He Ghosted Her Twice But She Had Such A Crush On Him She Didn’t Get The Hint
When They Broke Up, He Asked Her To Return Everything He Had Ever Gifted Her
The Singlehood Series: My Date Tried To Bribe Me With An Expensive Gift