It was hard to resist Sheila from the moment I met her. She looked stunning, I had never met somebody like her before. Though my friends warned me that women like her probably have rich boyfriends, I had to know more about her. It was like I dreamt her to life and the fact that she even noticed me was flattering. In the middle of a crowded club, she came right up to me like she had seen me before.
“Hi, I’m Sheila. Why do you look so bored?”
I was seated all alone, sipping a Long Island as I waited for my friends to join me. She invited herself to sit down and we struck up a conversation all night. My friends liked her and we kept in touch from that day. with time, we grew closer and she officially became my girlfriend. Though she was the perfect girlfriend, Sheila liked to party. She went out almost every night. During the day, she spent most of the time indoors doing God knows what.
“Babe, where are you? Can we meet for lunch?” She asked.
“I’m held up at work, babe. I’ll make it up to you though.”
“It’s okay. You never have time for me.”
By the time I’d get home, she was already at the club. Sometimes, she’d spend the whole day there and come back home after a couple of days. I thought I’d get used to it since I did meet her at a club but she didn’t seem like she was slowing down anytime soon. Every time I’d bring up her partying habits, she brushed it off and promised to reduce it.
She celebrated her 23rd birthday the best way she knew how – partying. It was hosted at an exclusive casino in town and she had invited many of her friends whom I barely knew. The party was great. However, I didn’t like that I had nothing to do with it. She assured me that she would handle it and it didn’t cost that much which was clearly not the case. There were catering services, 20 bottles of liquor, and a 3-tier birthday cake. Clearly, she didn’t spare any expense to celebrate her birthday.
It was all a bit much for me so I silently left the party and returned home. Thinking that she might come back later in the night, I stayed up waiting for her till 5 am. She didn’t show up until 9 pm that night and didn’t bother explaining where she was. Things only got worse. Sometimes, she’d go for a week without coming home and most of our plans got cancelled.

I was patient with her for a long time but my patience was running out. Even my friends thought our relationship was bound for failure sooner or later. When she finally got back home, I confronted her about her numerous escapade and more importantly, how she could afford all of them. As expected, she got defensive and threatened to break up. I wasn’t ready to lose her since she made my life exciting. So, I bit my tongue and let her do what she wanted.
“Babe, I’m not going to be around this weekend.” She told me over the phone.
“Where are you going?”
“The girls and I are taking a quick getaway to Watamu.” She replied.
“How come you didn’t tell me before?”
“It was kinda last minute. Kiki’s boyfriend had rented a villa for her so she invited us.”
“Well, am I invited?”
“You’re so silly. That’s why I love you. Bye.”
She hung up.
I didn’t see her for another week. At least this time I had an idea of where she was. After that trip, Sheila started being extremely secretive. She wouldn’t answer any phone call when we were together and she never left her phone unlocked when she left the room. Her partying ways didn’t change, though. In fact, she became more of a party girl than ever before.
Eventually, I decided to follow her on one of her nights out. I wasn’t proud of it but I had to do what I had to do. One of my friends offered to join me so it wouldn’t seem so weird. We went to 5 different clubs which she frequented until we finally located her. She was seated all alone having a cocktail.
“That doesn’t seem like she’s doing anything wrong,” I said to my friend.
After watching her for an hour, we were ready to leave then a bulky man came and sat next to her. He looked much older than she was and he wore a tailored suit like a typical sponsor. They looked familiar with each other as she reached out to hug him. He then pulled her close and sat her on his lap. They giggled and flirted the entire time as I looked on in horror.
I had seen enough and was ready to leave but my friend had other plans.
“Let’s go there. You have to confront her now because she’ll try to downplay it later.” He said.
“What do I even tell her?” I asked.
“Tell her everything you’ve wanted to this whole time.”
As we talked, Sheila turned around and saw me. Our eyes locked for a minute as she was shaken. Once I figured there was no other way out, we approached their table and confronted her.
“So, this is what you’ve been doing this whole time?”
She stayed silent.
“Young man, do you know who I am?” the bulky man asked.
“I don’t nor do I care. This is my girlfriend who’s sitting on your lap.” I said firmly.
“Clearly she’s not if she’s with me,” he replied.
“Aren’t you ashamed to even be in a club?”
“It’s over, Mike.” Sheila finally responded.
“Why? Because of a sponsor?” I asked but she didn’t answer.
That’s all I needed to hear. I didn’t say another word and instead went back to my place. I thought about how much time and energy I had invested in our relationship only for her to dump me for a sponsor. She didn’t even hesitate. It was as if I was simply nobody to her. I swore from that day I would never date anybody I met at the club.
More stories on The Singlehood Series:
When Her Friend Was Trying To Pimp Her Out To A Nigerian Man
My Perfect Woman Turned Out To Be An Escort
When You Find Out Your Man Is A Gigolo
She Found Out That The Other Woman Was Funding Their Relationship
Her Husband Of Many Years Conned Her And Run Off With Her Millions
The Guy At The Club Turned Violent After She Rejected His Advances
My Boyfriend Brought Another Woman To The House I Rented For Him
I Found Out My Girlfriend Had An Onlyfans Account And That Is How She Paid Her Bills