When you borrow money from any credit advancing facility or monetary institution, it is always advisable to pay and clear the loan in time. It does not matter how small the amount of loan is, but you should clear it fully.
The Credit Reference Bureau is a body that has been put in place by the government to enable loan or credit providers and employers to check whether you are a loan defaulter. All people listed under this platform cannot get loans from any institutions unless they clear their debt. When one refuses to pay loans from M-shwari, Branch and Tala among other lenders they can decide to blacklist you with the CRB. To avoid this always clear the debts to access loan services from financial institutions.
How to check your credit status in Kenya
The first thing you should do is to ensure you have been registered by all or one of the three companies that have been accredited by the Central Bank of Kenya. These companies include; TransUnion, CreditInfo and Metropol. It is always important to make sure that you have been registered by all the companies. The reason being, a lender may send your details to all the three companies. When you clear with the CRB, a certificate is given to you to verify that you have cleared all your debts. As a result, you get a chance to request and receive loans from any financial institution.
There are two major ways you can check your CRB status in Kenya. Firstly, you can check your status using apps which you download from your mobile phone or alternatively use short messages (SMS) service.
Using the TransUnion Mobile App
- For Android phone users, download TransUnion Nipashe app from the Google play store.
- Enter all the requirements needed that is; Phone number, ID number, and names.
- Check your status.
- If good or defaulter your message appears on the screen.
The process of the mobile app is completely free. In case you need any extra information you are charged Ksh. 650. In order to successfully clear yourself with the TransUnion you pay Ksh 2200.
Checking CRB status using the short messages service with TransUnion
- Send your name to 21272
- Key in your national ID number
- Select CC
- You will receive a text message containing your CRB status. Default means you are blacklisted while good means you are fine.
Checking your CRB status in Kenya with Metropol
To have an account with Metropol you require a registration fee of Ksh. 50. This fee is paid via M-pesa through pay bill number 220388. Use your national ID number as the account number.
An SMS with all details will be sent to you in a short while. These details include; reference number, Unique PIN details and special link to connect to their website.
To access various services, you are charged various prices depending on the type of service you are seeking. For instance, to access your credit score you are charged Ksh.150, for credit report you pay Ksh. 250. If you need to clear with Metropol, a clearance certificate is given at Ksh 2200. To access Metropol services, dial *433# or download the Metropol crystobol app on your phone.
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Feature image via https://urbankenyans.com/crb-kenya-status/