The late Steve Jobs once said, “I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself, ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I do what I am about to do today?’ And whenever the answer has been “No” for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.”
Our days, sadly, are numbered and bowing to the pressures of our society have turned some of us into machines, not people who should be taking charge of their lives and living life fully. So, how do you push away the negativity and focus on making the best out of every day and eventually living a life that pleases us?
- Don’t hit the snooze button
As you grow older, you realize that there’s literally no one more important than your sleep – and hitting the snooze button becomes a very familiar language but snoozing leads to a groggy and foggy brain. The more you do it, the more your brain becomes fatigued, mind you, your day hasn’t even started yet. So next time you’re thinking about whether you should sleep or watch the next episode, just sleep.
- Plan ahead
Sleep knowing that everything you need for the next day has already been set. That way, you go to rest with a settled mind and should you wake up late the next day, you won’t be stumbling all over your house looking for your keys or that missing sock. If need be, have a to-do list to maximize productivity.
- Exercise
Exercise reduces stress levels, and releases endorphins – that make you happy and give your body the right kickstart to begin your day with a boost of energy. Start small, for example, yoga, brisk walking or simple exercises you can do before your morning shower.

- Keep the positive fire burning
Surround yourself with positivity. Listen to podcasts, and sermons or read books and blogs that will keep the positivity flowing in your veins throughout the day.
- Set daily goals
Set goals that either directly affect your work or personal growth and work towards achieving them by the end of the day. They don’t have to be big, but attainable e.g. spending less time going through your social media sites and focusing that time on doing something more worthwhile than when you achieve that, cancel it off your list and reward yourself- you deserve it!
- Breathe
When things don’t go your way, don’t beat yourself up about it. Days will come when we win and days will come when we learn; embrace them.
- Listen to your body
Our bodies have intricate ways of telling us when enough is enough, so pay close attention to the signs.
- Do something that excites and challenges you
Don’t let time go by without doing things that excite you. Challenge yourself to start a new hobby or skill, revive your old passions and connect with the things that soothe your soul. Don’t let the daily struggles of life rob you of life’s little pleasures.
- Don’t be afraid of doing what you want
Most of us end up living the lives of our parents, siblings, relatives, friends or even mentors. Just because someone didn’t achieve what they wanted to in life, doesn’t mean that you have to achieve it for them. Don’t be forced to live in a bubble where you have no control over your choices and decisions. As Bon Jovi said, it’s my life.
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