I have to confess; pharmacies are not my cup of tea. And who would blame me? Every time we have to go to a pharmacy, it means something is probably not right with our health. And over the last weekend, I passed by Westgate to grab some meds for that annoying cold that is going around (I hope you haven’t caught it yet ).
I haven’t been to Westgate in a while and it was refreshing to go back after the tragedy to see the place has really come back to life. There were people going about their business like before. Shoppers, shoppers and more shoppers. Not to mention the highlight of every mall in Kenya nowadays during weekends: Kids running around everywhere and (unknowingly) annoying every shopper (I just assumed everyone was getting annoyed coz they were annoying me) with their breakneck runs and ear piercing screams.
I started scanning for a pharmacy – and soon enough, I found one. Goodlife – which I honestly hadn’t heard of before. I made my way there bumping into those adorable yet annoying kids running around and made my way through the entrance.
Lo and behold! It was not what I expected! Pharmacies have changed.
For the better.
You see I have always just expected someone in a lab coat standing behind the counter – or hiding in the back room as happens too many times in one chemist in my hood. Have you ever wondered what these chemist people do in the back room? I have always wondered. I stand corrected but I believe they are secretly running a photocopy business with a door going the other way, otherwise why do they spend so much time behind there?
But I digress!
I stood at the entrance confused at the very different approach I was seeing before my very eyes. There were aisles. All neat and inviting me in. And there were sections. With different things – and by different I mean things other than meds. The girl in me immediately started browsing around. There were personal care products but the biggest but rather positive shocker for me hit me when I realized they have the whole range of Shea Moisture and KeraCare Hair Products. In a pharmacy!
I was in shock. And in love!
Kid in a toy store? That was me at that point. Anyone with natural hair knows how much of a pain it can sometimes to keep looking all fresh and well taken care of. The last thing anyone wants – and which sadly happens at one time or the other – is to look like some wild animal perched up on your head. Or a fight between you and your whole army of hair tools took place that morning and you were the undeserving loser. It is all about the right product. The washing product, the moisturizing product, the texturing product. All have to be right.
Because I swear by the Shea Moisture and KeraCare hair-care ranges, which I had found in abundance in this Goodlife store and which apparently are also available in most of their other branches – my cold was forgotten for a good fifteen or so minutes. Not to mention the added advantage that all the attendants with a pharma background – were quite knowledgeable about the products and their ingredients. And of course that comforting feeling that the products are genuine.
It wasn’t until I was making my way to the checkout counter with three tabs of hair products in tow that I remembered what had brought me to this Goodlife store in the first place. The pesky cold was still there and I was yet to buy meds for it!
I giggled at myself as I went over to ask one of the attendants where I would find the meds I wanted. I went to a pharmacy to purchase meds which I had to ask guidance for but needed zero assistance getting my hair products.
But that’s what good natural hair products do to a natural hair person, ain’t it?