Two years ago I wrote a love novella based on technology for Valentine called Love Techie. I have decided to put up a chapter or two every day. Enjoy.
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Hey Jack I need a favour.
Wossup cuzo.
Hope the honeymoon was sawa sawa. I am in a bit of a spot.
There’s this chick that was at your wedding. One of the bridesmaids actually. Her name was Zawadi. Can I get her contacts? She’s so pretty lakini you know me. I got so tongue-tied I couldn’t vibe her. Back in Madagascar, thought I would just hola and say hi. Does she have a boyfriend ama you don’t know?
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Zawadi
Hey, you!
Inaonekana huyo Zawadi amekuroga. She must be something else. If it is Zawadi the one who was the best maid her email is [email protected]. You want to roga roga her with some of your poetry ama? She loves poetry by the way.
Anne said to say hi. Thanks for coming all the way for the wedding. We really appreciate it.
Have a great week and good luck.
Find part 2 of love letters here.