On Monday ARM Cement launched its first corporate documentary just before it announced its 2013 financial results. The documentary focused on the growth of ARM over the last 40 years, to its position currently as one of the top ten largest listed companies.
ARM cement had an impressive turnover of 14 billion Kenya shillings which was a 24% rise from the previous year. Profit after tax was 1.3 Billion from its regional operations which is quite impressive in the current economy and considering that they are servicing growth expansion bank loans. Aly Khan Satchu in the documentary talked about how ARM cement is an alpha share in the NSE.
The documentary also focused on the CSR projects that ARM is passionate about. CSR is carried out by The Rhino Cement Foundation which is chaired by Titus Mbathi. The foundation currently spends 10 million on CSR. The foundation focuses a lot on the education, health and environment which are the pillars of their CSR program. In Kaloleni – the foundation gives seedlings to reclaim the environment. There is rehabilitation of land and agro forestry as well. ARM also supports conservation in Ngong forest, the LEWA Conservancy and also in Karura forest. The project in the Ngong forest sounds interesting to me and I need to go check it out. They believe in safeguarding our wildlife for future generations which is why they have contributed to the LEWA conservancy.
Speaking in this regard, ARM Deputy CEO Surendra Bhatia said, “The Foundation focuses its commitment on three pertinent pillars which are; Education, Health and Environment. We have been rolling out country-wide projects under each of these for the past four years to continually benefit the people of this country and more so, to step in as a development partner. We owe our success to them and we in turn continue to grow this foundation to provide options for many who are in need.”
As the company celebrates its 40th anniversary they look forward to growing local and regional markets. They are increasing their capacity to meet the huge demand in the building industry.
The launch event was attended by various key figures in regional investment banking as well as leaders in the manufacturing, trade and mining sectors.