Last Friday I was invited to a cocktail hosted by Lintons Beauty World. I was looking forward to eating some good food, meeting some new people and get a free skin consultation as the card said. I was hoping that I would get a couple of goodies as well. My skin needs the VIP treatment that Nimue offers.
Have you ever gone for a function and find it was totally under- rated. Well this was one experience that when I left I was more energized, more psyched up then when I got in.
Nimue have beautiful products. Even the packaging says you are in for a great experience. To be honest the packaging was intimidating. It just screamed expensive and beyond my budget. But after listening to Carina Franck who is the MD, Nimue Skin Technology from South Africa it is possible I would have whipped out my visa card and told them to swipe it I want that experience.
We had food and drinks first then went in for presentations.
Dr. Joyce Gikunda, MD of Lintons Beauty World spoke about how she turned her company from a pharmacy into a beauty company. Nimue was the first international brand that she stocked at Lintons. Her speech was very moving and she said how her husband and kids had supported her. When her husband spoke he said something very important. He said “ as you take care of your outer beauty, remember that your inner beauty is even more important so take great care of your inner beauty.”
Carina Franck talked about the industry and how Nimue is not a cosmetic it is a new generation derma-cosmeceuticals, which being active skin treatment products result in a healthier and optimally functioning skin.
Here are some of the things she said
The wellness industry has evolved from just looking at a person’s skin and body. Not only does nutrition play an important role but also emotional wellbeing has also now been added to the equation. Looking at a person holistically simply means that you have to take the whole person in consideration. Skin, Body, Nutrition, Emotional and Spiritual.
It is important to look after your skin, eating sensibly (lets face it, supplementing nutrition is mandatory slowing down ageing and to age healthily!) doing moderate exercise and through practicing spirituality you can balance your life also emotionally.
We use 80 000 chemicals daily, 1000 new once added per year! 200 of these are severe hormone disruptors!
What is accelerating ageing? Smoking, sun, excessive alcohol, drugs, poor diet, BMI above 30, little sleep and inactivity.
Premature ageing: Flabbiness, inappropriate weight gain, excessive fatigue, insulin resistance, mental deterioration, immunity drops and adrenal stress.
If we have to look at emotional stress there are many aspects that can influence your world. Loneliness, Feeling that life is not fair, nobody understands my pain, I feel useless, nobody loves me, nobody sees me and my life serve no purpose. These thoughts may become a bad habit. We humans can talk ourselves out of greatness by doubting ourselves. We can become our own worst enemy!
Some quotes that she gave
- Take action as you can be on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there!
- God have given us al talent, that is His gift to you, What you do with it is your gift back to God!
- Strength doesn’t come from what you can do, It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t!. So in order to succeed your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure. Failure is success if we learn from it.
- People often ask me, Give me some pointers…1. If you do not GO after what you want, you ‘ll never have it. 2. If you do not ASK, the answer will always be NO. 3. If you do not step forward, you’ll always be in the same place.
- If I have to ask you a question: What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail? Make that something your goal. We are all moving into a new season but the challenge is that when you move to a new season then you have to leave old things behind. Like people, jobs, thoughts and memories. For some the pain of leaving them behind is sometimes so much that they stay in their old season. Stagnation, no progress.
- The time has come for change. By changing your thoughts and words you can change your world. God wants you to move into your new season, as your passion will lead you right into your purpose. Be brave because it is not what others say about you that defines who you are, it is what God says about you.
Carina Franck is definitely a woman I would love to hang out with. Her positivity, enthusiasm for life and motivation to make sure women (and men) have great skin are definitely infectious. I got infected.
I got some goodies which I have started using. And they are definitely worth buying. My cousin who I accidentally bumped into there told me she has been using them for the last one year. Her skin had issues but now it’s actually cleared up. It’s a great investment in yourself.
You can get Nimue products exclusively at Lintons Beauty World.