The presidential debate is coming up. Everybody seems to be looking forward to it. I wish the presidential candidates could be asked the following questions or put up the documentation up in the newspaper.
Are you still paying your taxes or was that just a PR exercise for the mwananchi? Can we see your certificate of tax compliance? (Nowadays when government hires for top jobs they ask for a certificate of tax compliance. Those running for any public office should also be required to do the same.)
How many bills have you introduced or supported in parliament?
Also how many parliamentary sessions have you attended in this current parliament? (Can we get the data on that?)
What’s your record of development in your constituency? As in how was it before you became Member of Parliament and what has changed since you went there.
How has your constituency used CDF funds? Explain in a sentence any scandals about CDF use.
If we elect you how will Kenya be better? (Basically what is your manifesto?)
You claim to be reformers yet some of you are working with people you once claimed were the reason Kenya did not achieve its potential. What changed (them) or did you change and compromise your principles?
If you don’t become president utado?
What are your thoughts on the youth, women, and disadvantaged groups?
What are your feelings about The Hague and its current role of acting as a court of justice for the atrocities committed in post-election violence?