I’ve always wanted to date a silver fox. I think they’re really handsome and they know how to treat women. I finally got the chance to meet one and I thought that I had hit the lottery. He presented himself as the ultimate silver fox. He was well-groomed, well-dressed, and well-spoken. However, it turned out to be a lie. He was pretending to be rich and bragging about his friends’ money.
I had been living in Paris for a while and was finally ready to try the dating scene. My preference was still a silver fox so I reached out to my friend, Michelle, who was dating an older man to see if she could hook me up.
“Hey, babe,” I said to her over the phone.
“Hey, love. How are you?” She answered. Even though we weren’t that close, she always called me cute pet names. Apparently, it’s a French thing.
“I’m doing good. Just working and all.”
“You need to take a break and have some fun.”
“It’s funny that you mention it. I’m looking for a silver fox. Do you know any who are single?”
She laughed at my request. It took her by surprise since I wasn’t an open person so for me to be making such a request was completely out of character.
“Of course I do. I’ve been trying to set you up with one of my friends for so long. He’ll be happy to hear that you finally agreed.”
“Awesome. I can’t wait to meet him.”
“Okay. I’ll give him your number.”
Shortly after talking to Michelle, I got another call. It was Pierre, the guy she had hooked me up with. As soon as I answered the call, my knees went weak. He had the sexiest accent I’ve ever heard.
“Hello, Serah.” He said.
“This is Pierre.”
“Oh. How are you?”
“I’m very good, my dear. I’m so happy you decided to give me a chance.”
“Yes, I’ve heard many good things about you?”
“Really? Like what?”
“Michelle told me you’re very handsome.”
“Oh, she’s too kind. Can we meet for coffee?”
“I’ll send you the details of the location.”
“Okay. Bye.”
“Bye. Have a lovely evening.”
I started thinking of all the places he could choose for our meeting. Paris is the home of cafes so we were spoiled for choice. I trusted that he would make a good choice since he seemed to have good taste. Sure enough, he sent me a message with the location and it was one of the cafes I had been dying to try. I couldn’t have been more excited to meet him.
The fact that he was going all out to impress me proved that choosing to date a silver fox was the best decision I ever made. He was already checking my boxes and we hadn’t even met. Don’t get me started on the accent. I had dreams about his accent.
Finally, the day we were to meet came and I reached out to Pierre to confirm that we were still on.
“Are we still meeting today?”
“Of course, baby girl. How could I cancel on a lovely lady like you?”
After confirming that we were still meeting, I started getting ready. I wore a black mini dress and a pair of heels so I could make a good impression on Pierre.
When I got to the cafe, Pierre was already there waiting for me. He looked better than I expected. I knew he was a silver fox but I didn’t expect him to be that handsome. He was dressed in a black suit complete with a pocket square and a pair of loafers.
“Hello gorgeous.” He said as I approached the table.
“Hi, Pierre.”
I thought he would get up and hug me but he didn’t. It was a bit disappointing but I brushed it off. That was the beginning of many red flags. When I settled down, the waitress brought us a menu and we both made our order.
As I mentioned, the cafe was one of the best in Paris. That meant that it was on the pricier side but since I was with a silver fox, I thought I had nothing to worry about.
Once we finished ordering, I tried to spark up a conversation.
“So, tell me something about yourself,” I said.
“Well, I’m 42 years old. I have a 5-bedroom mansion and 2 sports cars. I love to travel. I’ve been to most countries in Europe. My favourite place to visit is Monaco. Most of my friends have yachts. I’m thinking of buying one.”
He talked for an hour and a half without giving me a chance to get a word in. To make matters worse, all he did was brag about his wealth and all the places he had travelled to.
I didn’t want to be rude since I didn’t want to spoil my chances with the dreamiest silver fox I had ever seen so I stayed quiet, sipped my coffee and pretended to enjoy his stories. In reality, I wished that I had stayed home.
He didn’t ask me a single question for the one and a half hours that he was talking. As the date was coming to an end, he finally asked me a question.
“Have you ever worked a day in your life?”
I could tell that he was being sarcastic but that wasn’t the offensive part of the question. I was offended because I was a 25 year old girl, living alone in a foreign country yet he had the audacity to ask me if I have ever worked in my life. Once again, I bit my tongue even though I wanted to cuss him out.
He didn’t stop talking and I had to make up an excuse to leave. However, he wasn’t done with disappointing me. As I gathered my things, he asked whether I was paying for my meal.
“You asked me to come here. How can you tell me to pay for my meal?” I asked.
“The economy is hard. You can’t expect me to pay for everything.”
Mind you there were so many cute and affordable options he could choose from yet he chose one of the most expensive ones.
I was tired so I just paid. As I was paying, Pierre thought it was the perfect opportunity to ask me out on another date.
“Can I see you next week?” He asked.
“I’ll text you.” I lied.
I deleted his number as soon as I left the cafe. You’d think that I learnt my lesson after that but I didn’t. I went on another date with another silver fox and it also ended in disaster. However, that’s the beauty of being in your 20s. No matter how many times you have a bad experience, you still keep trying until you get it right.
This story was inspired by @serah_corner’s post.
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My Date Bragged Too Much And Put Me Off