How many times have you heard the words “mwanaume ni kiatu”? I am guessing a couple and if you have not then this is probably for you. Of course, there are a bunch of other “mwanaume ni…” phrases floating around out there, mostly in the form of memes, and we love those but for today’s class we’ll go with the one about the shoe.
Anyhow, there comes a time in a man’s life when you find you are juggling numerous responsibilities. Suddenly you have to be the best man at your friend’s wedding or you’ve gotten invited to a posh black-tie event. The ones where they serve “bitings” and loads of good alcohol. So, of course, you have to put your best foot forward. Literally. So here are 5 pairs of shoes I recommend every man should have.
- Oxford Or Derby Dress Shoes
This shoe is perfect for formal occasions. Refer to posh black-tie events mentioned above. This shoe is also perfect for weddings, funerals as well as job interviews. Oxfords best compliment business suits and professional attire and therefore it goes without saying that this is not a shoe you wear for casual occasions with jeans or khakis. This shoe requires minimal care. Just wiping with a damp cloth and polish to ensure that the leather does not dull.

- White Sneakers
This to men is what pumps are to a woman. A wardrobe staple. Every guy should have a pair. It’s not only the most convenient shoe of the bunch but can also be worn with much dressier outfits. Picture a fitting dress shirt and fitting pressed pants, coupled up with a clean pair of white sneakers. Pretty dapper no? The same shoe can be worn with a pair of khakis, chinos, denim pants or even shorts for those laid-back weekends. Fashion: 10 Ways To Style A Pair Of Sneakers

- Athletic/ Running Shoes
This is a trend that is on the come-up and shows no sign of relenting. Think Nike and Adidas. Running shoes look pretty simple and sleek and are pretty convenient. Not only can you wear them as your gym shoes, but you can also pair them with your casual outfits, as well for that sophisticated man-around-town look.
Black, grey, and white come highly recommended since these colours will most likely complement all your outfits. Crazy bright colours only end up drawing attention from your outfit which is not really the end result you’re looking for, be it at the gym or just walking around in town. No one likes a filthy shoe, that is a rule set in stone. So clean your running shoes. A quick scrub with a brush and soap every few weeks will go a long way in ensuring you get a long life out of them.

- Suede Driving Moccasins
These are the kind of shoes you wear when you want to give your feet a break. Those days when you don’t want to be too dressy. Think day out at the beach or meeting with your boys for a drink. This kind of shoe goes well with denim or linen pants and a loose-fitting shirt. This is the ultimate comfort shoe coupled with style.

Cleaning moccasins is pretty easy, just wipe them with a wet cloth and once they are dry just apply a suede cleaner to keep them looking good.
5. Leather Boots
The final pair of shoes on the list and a personal favourite is the pair of leather boots. These shoes are pretty handy since they can withstand the elements with minimal care and strain to them. They go well with casual outfits such as dark wash jeans and wool trousers and lumberjack shirts which you should already own by now. Brown leather boots are also probably the only pair you can get away with not cleaning as often, just a bit of dusting or polishing. Caring for leather shoes and jackets

Note: There’s a mighty difference between these boots and dress boots. Under no circumstance should these be worn with a suit.
Sure most of the shoes on this list may cost a pretty coin, but in the immortal words of both my father and Designer Hardy Amies “It is impossible to be well dressed in cheap shoes.”
Home Improvement: 5 Ways To Keep Your Shoes Organized
Fashion: 10 Ways To Style A Pair Of Sneakers
Fashion: 8 Stylish Shoes You Should Have During The Wet Months