What drives you?
Life is a short cycle. Sir Edwin Arnold, in his book, Light of the Asia says, “Life, which all creatures love and strive to keep, wonderful, dear and pleasant unto each, even to the meanest; yea, a godsend to all, where pity is, for pity makes the world, soft to the weak and noble for the strong…”
But a life without passion is futile. Passion is contagious and invigorating. When asked what passion is, one person said, “I don’t know what it is, but I know what it’s not.”
Certainly, passion can be felt and arouses emotions. Many people have lost the art of living with passion and have taken the safe road of living cautiously. God blesses us with one life. We ought to live it like there is no tomorrow. I encourage you to live so that you have no regrets at the end of this grand journey.
Pursue your dreams with a vengeance. Should you fail then do so with something you enjoy doing. If you don’t take chances, you will not make advances. To outwardly perform, you must first be inwardly driven with unstoppable zeal and determination. It takes a great deal of frustration and personal pain to push some people beyond their comfort zone. Strive to see yourself 10 years from now, having made no progress and feel the excruciating disappointment for a while. If that doesn’t feel good, take that feeling and harness it as motivation to have passion for what you aim to be.
Pray with passion. Live with passion. Work with passion. Thrust forth into new beginning with unstoppable determination. Let passion work for you and carry you to unlimited personal growth and satisfaction.
You are passionate when you are pursuing your dreams and not focusing on your limitations. You are passionate when you are intensely present in spirit, soul, and body. You are passionate within, despite your surroundings on the outside. You are passionate when you wholeheartedly live your dreams. Your passion should be unstoppable. Even when you are at rest, you passion should envision your future and allow destiny to carry you into it.
Set your intent, and don’t let what you do prevent your forward progress en route to your desired destination. The people you allow into your life are either fuelling your passion or being energized by your passion. Don’t allow or tolerate drainers of your passion. You were born an original. Don’t die a copy. Write your life story with originality. Diane Ackerman, (Newsweek magazine) aptly summarizes what would drive one’s life, “I don’t want to get to the end of my life and find out that I lived just the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it a well.”
Article by Wacuka Kangethe