I am carrying out a research on publishing in Kenya and the challenges that writers/poets face in publishing their work. This is for a creative’s entrepreneurship course I am taking organized by the Go-down. We thank you for taking your time to respond to this questionnaire. Your contribution to this research is highly appreciated. Your response will be held in confidence. Please do not indicate your name. Thank you for your time. Since this is an online questionnaire please send the answers to [email protected] or on google documents or reply in the comments section. Please reply by the 7th of November.
Please tick the appropriate option
1. What is your gender? 1. ( ) Male 2. ( ) Female
2. What’s your level of education? 1. ( ) College 2. ( ) University 3. ( ) High school.
3. What is your age bracket? 1. ( ) 19-22 2. ( ) 23-26 3. ( ) 21-31 4. ( ) 32-35 5. ( ) 35 and over
4. Are you a 1. ( ) Poet 2. ( ) Writer 3. ( ) Both
5. Are you published? 1. ( ) Yes 2. ( ) No
6. If yes where?
1. ( ) Newspaper 2. ( ) Novel/Poetry book 3. ( ) Magazine 4. ( ) Online publication (not your website) 5. ( ) Other …………………..
7. if the answer to question 5 is no what are the reasons? ……………………………………………………………………………………………
8. If you have been published, is it by 1. ( ) a publishing company 2. ( ) self publishing.
9. What has been your experience with publishing? Is it easier to self publish or go through a publishing company?
10. Do you think it is easy or difficult to get published by a publisher in Kenya? 1. ( ) Yes 2. ( ) No
10b. Why? Please explain ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
11. Do you have a website or blog? 1. ( ) Yes 2. ( ) No
12. If yes does it enable you to reach your target audience? 1. ( ) Yes 2. ( ) No 3. ( ) Not sure
13. Please rank order the following list of social media which you use to reach out to your readers, with one (1) being the one you use the most, and seven (7) being the one you use the least.
1. ( ) Twitter 2. ( ) Website/blog 3. ( ) Facebook 4. ( ) Tumblr 5. ( ) Linkedin 6. ( ) G+ 7. ( ) Other ……………………………..
14. On an average day, how many hours do you spend attending to the media you use the most in (4) above? 1. [ ] 0-1 hour 2. [ ] 2-3 hours 3. [ ] 4-5 hours 4. [ ] 5 and above
15. You can add a comment if you think it is relevant.