Access to safe abortion remains an important part of the fight for women’s rights. Seven women each day die from unsafe abortions. This is because women who don’t want to remain pregnant will terminate the pregnancy regardless of the risk to their safety. By providing access to safe abortion, society ensures that a woman’s health remains protected.
The World Health Organisation states that quality safe abortion is a part of the universal right to health. When women get the choice to do what they want with their bodies, it improves their quality of life, mental healthcare, and physical health. A woman’s right to choose should be enshrined in the law. #7TooMany: Why We Need Access To Safe Abortions To Save Women’s Lives
Potentash’s most important stories covering a woman’s right to access safe abortion.
IUDs aren’t always effective. They only prevent pregnancy 85% of the time. Sometimes they also shift and doctors can fail to diagnose the problem in time and this can lead to pregnancy. This woman found out that sometimes reproductive healthcare doesn’t work well for me and access to safe abortion would help maintain the quality of her life without jeopardizing her future. I Got Pregnant Despite Having An IUD And This Put My Life At Risk
For political candidate Wanjiku Omollo, her past is uncovered by a political rival who exposes that she’d procured an abortion in her past. The revelation sparks a debate among voters also bringing to question the invasion of a woman’s privacy. The Truthful Governor: A Scandal Surrounding A Politician’s Reproductive Rights Rock Her Campaign
Maggie had her future laid out for her. while her mother wanted her to become a lawyer, she chose instead to become a model. Perhaps assuming the proclivities of models, her mother warned her not to be sexually active because she wouldn’t be raising a baby in her home. For Maggie, an exciting life leads to testing the bond between her and her parents. The Troubled Model – Will Her Parents Save Her From Getting A Dangerous Abortion?
When Alice found out her partner was sabotaging her lifelong dreams, she ended up looking for help where she least expected to find it. Alice’s old friend, Nancy, provides Alice with a lending hand when Alice feels she can’t trust anyone in her home. From her partner to her parents to the domestic manager that her mother-in-law had planted to spy on her. My Best Friend That I Cut Off For The Sake Of My Marriage, Is The One I Turned To When I Needed Help
At her traditional wedding ceremony, a great aunt oversteps her bounds and tries to initiate a traditional practice of servitude leaving Molly in emotional shambles. When her partner Silas intervenes, the family erupts in uproar and a secret from Molly’s past threatens to ruin the wedding. Molly’s secret puts Silas’ loyalty to the test where he has to choose a side between tradition and his future. A Secret From Her Past Comes Out During Her Customary Wedding – Would It Ruin Her Relationship?
When Emily met Ken, an older man with similar values regarding children, she thought she’d finally met Mr Right for Her. When their relationship got serious things took a turn for the worse until Emily had the strength to leave the situation. However, her problems only escalated when she realized she was pregnant from an assault. I Almost Lost Everything I Had Worked Hard For Because Of An Abusive Relationship
When she ended up pregnant, she was worried her partner of four months, Jim, would leave. This fear stayed with her after she made more decisions to safeguard her future. This fear lingered until eventually, she realized that making choices for herself includes facing her fears and healing. She Made A Life Changing Decision But She Wasn’t Sure Her Partner Would Stay With Her After It
After Calvin’s mother survived a brutal assault, it changed the course of Calvin’s future. He decided to become a specialist doctor, opening a clinic to ensure that no other woman would go through what his mother did. The Horrible Things That Happened To His Mother Scarred Him For Life And Influenced His Decision To Open A Clinic In Her Honour
When a woman has an unwanted pregnancy, it’s important to know the best way forward to safeguard her future. One viable option is the safe termination of a pregnancy—a safe abortion. Many people are misinformed about abortion and there are many harmful myths surrounding it. This includes that abortion leads to infertility when it doesn’t affect your reproductive cycle. Or that abortion is only sought after by promiscuous women, it’s not. Many women including wives, mothers who have had children before, or women who have survived sexual assault may seek a safe abortion. 12 Myths About Abortion Debunked
Check out:
Women And Equal Rights: Why This Is Still An Ongoing Fight
How To Provide Support For A Loved One Who Is Getting An Abortion
Women’s Reproductive Health And Rights; Are We Heading In The Right Direction?
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Women’s Reproductive Health And Rights; Are We Heading In The Right Direction?