When choosing a partner, the most important thing is ensuring happiness. Relationships should be something that brings joy into your life. In addition, your partner should be instrumental in your finding success, especially as a woman. In most instances, men expect women to set aside their ambitions for theirs. The famous saying goes, behind every great man is a strong woman. Behind every great woman, what kind of man should there be, and what kind of man should be removed from there?
Relationship green flags women need from men for their success
Green flags are characteristics that people have that make them a keeper. They have many positive traits and show that they’re willing to work on their negative traits without lashing out. There are certain green flags that men have for women looking to have a successful life with their partners.
1. Validation
A green flag partner acts as a sounding board for your ideas. They validate your vision—not that you need it. However, it makes your life smoother when you have a partner who also believes in your vision. They don’t try to tear you down or give you unnecessary advice. When you talk with them, they respond after listening. A great partner won’t just wait for you to finish talking so that they can talk or constantly try to interrupt your expertise with their confidence. They engage meaningfully with you, ask what kind of help you need, and provide what they can without sacrificing their own lives. Relationships: Things Happy Couples Do For Each Other Without Being Asked
2. Honesty
A green-flag husband should be honest, not hurtful. If your ambition is something impractical, it’s better to hear about it from loved ones before you waste time and money on it. Your partner won’t say it in a way that hurts you. They also won’t be gleeful in proving you wrong. They also comfort you when you realise you have to pivot rather than overusing the saying, I told you so.
3. Consistency
When entering a relationship, people put a lot more effort into actions meant to impress. However, once the relationship has been ongoing for a few years, they no longer see the need to put in effort. This is understandable because priorities change as you grow older. However, consistency is a sign that they care and are willing to show up for you. They may not be able to take you to extravagant outings every weekend but they show up for you in smaller more meaningful ways. This can include helping clear out your workspace when you’re overwhelmed with work, taking up the slack when you’re tired, or pampering you after a hard day’s work and constantly checking in on you.
4. Encouragement
Partners who want you to succeed also want you to keep growing. They have a growth mindset and believe that you can improve by keeping a learning mentality. A partner who supports your individual growth never makes you feel like you’re making a sacrifice when you have to travel for school or seminars.
5. Respect
A green flag partner who respects your hustle must also respect other people’s. Whether it’s their relatives, or the neighbourhood watchman washing clothes to earn extra money. They also respect other low-income workers who are often mistreated and will even stand up for them where they can. 7 Signs You Are In A Healthy Relationship
11 Green Flags To Look Out For In A Relationship
Yellow flags in a relationship to look out for
These aren’t particular issues. They are negligible but can also signify something that can grow into an issue if not addressed. However, they can also be dismissed but they’re easier to work on than red flags.
1. Avoidance
While a green flag partner engages with you about your goals and ambitions, a yellow flag partner avoids talking about work. They may have a principle whereby they just don’t talk about work at home. It may be because their job is draining and they want their home to be work-free. To respect this boundary, you may also need to avoid talking about work. They won’t hinder your work but they won’t go out of their way to support it beyond tangible actions like loans, stipends, or driving you to an airport.
2. Control
This is a yellow flag that can easily slide into a red flag and needs more addressing when it manifests in a relationship. However, it can also feel liberating not to have to think all the time about what you have to do. A partner who tells you what to do with regards to your goals can appear helpful but it can be a ware to erode your independence.
3. Detachment
Rather than providing support, a yellow flag partner detaches until they’re told that support is needed. They also don’t want to deal with your frustrations or comfort you when you fail. They’re more likely to throw money at the problem or will call your closest friends or family to “deal with it”.
4. Unresolved conflicts
Whenever you disagree with your visions, a healthy relationship means communicating until you resolve it. However, a yellow-flag partner will try not to fight with you. They will not address the conflict but they won’t address it either.
5. Different value systems
While a green flag partner has similar value systems or is willing to compromise, a yellow flag partner won’t change their values for you. They can marry you because they think you’ll make a great mother but they don’t care that you can also be a career woman. They won’t sabotage or stop your career. However, they expect you to meet their demands regardless of how you do it. These partners are common as they don’t have a problem with you being a working partner but they don’t make it easier for you to be a working mother.
6. Inconsistency
These relationships are characterised by an inconsistent partner. They can be thoughtful but they have to be asked or reminded. A yellow flag partner has no proactivity. They also like using the excuse that they can’t read your mind so how should they meet your needs if they don’t know? However, a thoughtful person doesn’t need to be told to be thoughtful. These partners also take it for granted when their wives meet their needs but have to be jolted to become more supportive.
Yellow Flags In Relationships: Examples And How To Handle Them
Red flags to watch out for when choosing a partner
These are traits where a partner will be a complete hindrance to your success. Red flag partners sabotage your goals and even become abusive to ensure you only remain within one role in your relationship.
1. Financial abuse
If you have ambitions that require money, they withhold any money from you, including money you need for upkeep. They try to make you feel like you’re wasting money any time you try to upskill or invest in your goals. Such partners can go as far as completely refusing to let you have money. If you already earn a salary, they take control of your bank accounts, monitor any spending, and threaten you or deny you any funding if you spend money outside of their permission. 5 Signs You Are Experiencing Financial Abuse In Your Relationship
2. Belittling
Another red flag to watch out for is constant belittling. Whenever they see you pursuing your goals, they denigrate your efforts and make you feel like you’re wasting your time. They point out every negative outcome and put effort into making you doubt yourself. Relationships: On Men Hating Their Partners And Signs Your Man Hates You
3. Sabotage
This can be subtle or overt. A subtle red flag is when your partner asks you to leave your job to remain at home and take care of the home. Unless you plan to retire early to be a housewife, a partner who springs this on you, especially when your career is growing is a major red flag. Overt red flags include the partner acting out when you take them to work events. They can get drunk, embarrass you, or be rude to your boss. They become irrationally jealous of your coworkers or classmates and accuse them or you of flirting. Additionally, they can use guilt-tripping. In addition, they can weaponize incompetence and make it difficult for you to focus on your work because you have to keep fixing what they overlooked. Important Questions To Ask Yourself When Your Partner Asks You To Become A Housewife
4. Isolation
Another red flag in a relationship that’s bad for your success is when a partner isolates you from your friends. They make you ask for permission no matter what you need to do. Whether it’s going to a networking event or just meeting your friends, they stop you from going. Isolation is also a serious form of emotional abuse that doesn’t just affect your career but also your mental and physical health.
5. Career envy
Men are often threatened by women who are more successful than them. Instead of being grateful that their partners are successful, many of them resort to cheating, pouting, or forcing their partners to abandon their ambitions so that they can feel better. Career envy is especially insidious because these partners don’t look at how hard you’ve worked. They only care about their egos. It can also escalate into abuse and neglect, and some men go as far as triggering an unplanned pregnancy to slow you down. A Bad Relationship Can Ruin A Woman’s Successful Career. Here’s What You Should Be Looking Out For In A Life Partner
If you are experiencing such red flags in a relationship, it’s important to end it as soon as possible for your physical safety, not just for your career.
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