I had just turned 30 years old and was feeling anxious since I hadn’t achieved everything that I planned before turning 30. One of the things I really wanted was to get married and start a family. I shouldn’t really feel bad about that since most of my friends were single too but it was constantly on my mind. On my thirtieth birthday, a long-lost childhood friend called me to wish me a happy birthday. I hadn’t talked to him in years yet he was the first to call me on that day. I thought it was the universe connecting me with the man of my dream but I’d soon find out he was a sexist guy.
The day was going okay. I received lots of gifts and messages from friends all wishing me a good year ahead. My worries and anxiety were soon gone and started enjoying the day. After wishing me a happy birthday, I didn’t speak to Henry until later in the day.
‘So, what are you up to?” he asked.
It was around 4 pm and I didn’t have any plans.
“Nothing much.”
“Do you want to meet at The Bar Next Door?”
“Yea. What time?”
“Well, I have a meeting till 6. So, let’s meet at 7.”
“Can’t wait.” He replied.
To be honest, I couldn’t wait either. I was excited about meeting him not only because I thought it was some kind of fate but also because Henry was a heartthrob. Dating him would be a dream come true. Even in primary school, all the girls had a crush on him and he only got hotter as he grew up. He played professional rugby at university and now he was a CEO of a tech company.
I had taken the day off from work so I had plenty of time to get ready and wow my date. I popped open a champagne bottle from one of my gift baskets, lit a candle, and hyped myself up to be in a better mood. An hour later, he texted me again.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“Just chilling in the house.”
“I wanted to ask, are you bringing any friends?”
“I don’t know. Do you want me to bring friends?”
“Sure, it’s better when we’re in a group.”
I didn’t think much of the comment but if I knew he was sexist, I wouldn’t have brought any of my friends around him. However, I thought it was strange that he had invited me and even picked a location yet he asked whether I was coming with my friends. It meant that he was very generous or it was about to be a disastrous date.
Two of my friends came over to my apartment and we prepared to go to the restaurant. We arrived around 6.30 p.m. and ordered some cocktails as we waited for Henry. He arrived shortly after swinging his car keys and greeting every staff member at the restaurant. I chuckled because this was the complete opposite of the guy I knew. Henry was social but a bit reserved. It was new to me to see him walking like he owned the place.
After making his grand entrance, he came straight to me, pulled me up, and hugged me for what seemed like 5 minutes. I didn’t mind since he had a killer body but what happened after made me uncomfortable. When we pulled away, he turned me around and ogled my curves. It was quite awkward since he had already attracted a lot of eyes in the restaurant and my friends, who he hadn’t met before, were seated right there. Nonetheless, I brushed it off as playfulness and introduced him to my friends.
“Henry, this is Stacy and Anne.”
“Wow, lovely to meet you.” He said. “Are all your friends this beautiful?”
Despite the awkward start, the date went surprisingly well. We were laughing, enjoying the food and music. Then, Henry decided to ruin the party.
“So, how does it feel to be 30 and single?”
The question hit hard but I was a bit tipsy so I didn’t feel too bad.
“Aren’t you 31 and single?”
“Yeah, but I’m a man. Men have time. You don’t.”
“First of all, that’s sexist and I’m only 30. I have plenty of time.”
“Yeah, but before you meet a guy that you’re sure you want to have his child it will be another three years.”
“And? Why is that your concern?”
“Do you want to marry her?” one of my friends joked to lighten the mood.
“No. She was hot when she was younger, now she’s just a bitter woman.”
The rest of the conversation was full of sexist comments after sexist comments. At some point, I simply stared at him and let him say everything he wanted to say.
We decided to leave and I removed my wallet to pay.
“How can a woman pay when a man is right here?” he said taking out his wallet. “This is the problem with…”
We got up and left before he could finish talking.
“I hope you’re never going to see that guy again.” my friend said as we drove back to the apartment.
“Well, he’s my friend.”
“I don’t care. He’s very sexist. You can meet other guys.”
She was right. Henry was a sexist, arrogant man who I would never get along with. It was disappointing since I had high hopes for my future with him. However, I can’t settle for someone with such character simply because I want to get married and have kids.
He tried to get in touch and set up another date and though I was tempted to give him another chance, I kept remembering what my friends told me. We haven’t seen each other since that day and I doubt if we ever will. One of our mutual friends told me that he had asked her out and I warned her of the disaster that was about to happen.
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My Date Bragged Too Much And Put Me Off
I Went On A Date With A Surgeon Who Confessed He Gets Horny While Operating On His Patients
Dating My Workmate Was The Biggest Career Mistake I Ever Made
My Date Was Too Religious Which Put Me Off
She Met A Good Christian Man On Social Media Who Ended Up Being A Facebook Swindler
Dating A Smooth Operator – He Came, He Saw, He Conquered And Then He Broke My Heart
I Was Dating Two Guys At The Same Time
He Took Me Out On A Valentine’s Date Then Broke Up With Me