Sometimes you just need a break but you decide that you o not have the time but you will take a longer break sometime in the year. This could end up affecting you and your work negatively because you are very exhausted but you are not taking a break. Whether you own a business, are employed or work on a freelance basis, a mini-vacation is worth considering.
But first, what is a mini-vacation? A mini-vacation means taking a few days, (probably 2-4), to unwind, refresh and recharge your energy levels. A mini-vacation doesn’t have to be grand or expensive. But it definitely has to be well planned for it to be fulfilling. You may be wondering what gratifying experience can you pull off in a mini-vacation, but before you get disillusioned, know why it is important to take this break. Travel: saving for that holiday vacation
- To reward yourself
In the personal finance world, one golden rule that always keeps you motivated is to always reward yourself first, before spending your money. The same principle applies when it comes to reasons why you should take a mini-vacation. Think of it like this, you have spent a substantial amount of time to work, or build your business. Instead of using all your days to work until you end up equating work with punishment, take a few days off as a form of reward to your hard work. This is also a way to avoid burn out.
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- To recharge
As much as routine creates a system of doing things, it can be boring and draining. As a result, the excitement we so need to keep our energy levels up can run dry, leaving us exhausted, tired and bogged down. However, taking a vacation, especially one that includes activities and experiences that resonate with our vacation goals, allows us to recharge and renew the energy we need to keep improving our careers.
- To reset
A mini-vacation could be the missing thing you need in order to get your focus back. What goals had you planned to accomplish by the end of the year? Are you there yet? What’s standing in your path or what can you do to avoid or deal with the challenges?
A mini-vacation now and then is a good idea, because it takes you away from the constant work activities, and distraction that can often lead you off track. This short break, which could also be extended to going offline and avoiding any work or stress-related activity, gives you a chance to review your progress, reassess your mindset, goals and refocus for a better outcome.
- Restrategize
Perhaps the strategy that you had planned to use to accomplish your goals by the end of the year didn’t work. What now? Taking a few days to work on a new strategy or reconstruct your goals could be the key to doing it better next time. Set away some time to look at what you had planned to accomplish, what you have accomplished thus far, what you haven’t and the change of strategies needed to realise the remaining goals. That is if they’re still relevant since sometimes we can outgrow goals.
- Reassess your priorities
Productivity is often confused with getting more things done instead of getting quality things done. Thus often, we get multiple things done, but end up feeling empty and unaccomplished. This happens because even though we are busy, the things we are working on don’t rhyme with what makes us tick. A good practice would be to use a mini-vacation to assess if what you do each day gets you close to your short term or long terms goals. If not, take this time to reassess your priorities and align them in a way that’s benefiting to you.
In the same way, in order to be more productive at work, you need a break so you can recharge your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy. This could be through activities such as hiking, going on a road trip, catching up with loved ones, or meditating. Whatever activity or experience suits you, incorporate it in your mini-vacation goals and purpose to get it done. How to ensure you have a pleasant holiday experience
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