Many people live the eat-sleep-work routine and blame it on adulating, their demanding job or other cliché excuses. If you think about it, your job will always be there. You will always have errands to run. Additionally, your job already takes up 8 hours of your day. So, does it mean you’ll rarely have a social life because of it? Here are some ways you can save a few hours during the day to get some time to yourself.
- Multi-task
Multi-tasking helps you check off things on your to-do list a bit faster thus saving you a few hours. In some cases, this might not apply especially if you’re preparing a presentation or dealing with a task that requires maximum concentration. But there are those times when you receive an hour-long phone call from your boss or a client. In such cases, you can easily be working on something else at the same time.

- Start Early
Some workplaces have flexible working times. For instance, if you get to the office by 6 am, you work till around 2 pm, which is amazing. However, if you don’t have this option, you can still save a few hours by planning your day beforehand. This way, you won’t waste time figuring what to do next. In turn, you spend less extra time at the office finishing the day’s tasks.
- Take A Break
The more you overwork yourself, the slower you move. Taking a breaks helps in resetting your mind hence you’re able to concentrate better. Some companies like Google have a relaxing area where employees can even take naps. While you cannot expect your employer to be okay with you napping at work, there are many other ways to take a break. Read Why And How You Should Take Breaks At Work
- Turn Off Alerts
This especially doesn’t apply to Instagram or Facebook, but emails. There a certain urgency that we tend to give emails such that we must respond immediately. However, most of the time the email isn’t that important and you waste time opening and reading through it. Simply work out how often you should check your email and you’ll notice that you save a few hours at the end of the day.
- Use The “Four-Song-Rule”
If you like listening to music in the morning, then you can use the four-song-rule to hasten your morning routine. Each song lasts about 5 minutes so you’ll spend around 20 minutes which relatively, fast for most people. This rule works by allocating each morning task to a song duration. For instance, shower and groom to one song, dress to another song, do your makeup to the next song and lastly, accessorize and pack to the final song. Additionally, music is a mood booster and you’re likely to do things faster while listening to music.
Using these tips, you’ll probably be able to save up to 2 hours a day. Imagine what you can do in those 2 hours. Also, check out these super awesome tips from Forbes on how to totally own your time and be super productive – Manipulate Time With These Powerful 20 Time Management Tips
Check out How To Improve Your Productivity By Managing Your Time