Late last year, my skin decided that it had been silent for too long and needed to break out. My entire forehead was covered with big painful pimples. There were about 3 or 4 new pimples each day. After trying out a bunch of remedies (both medical and natural) to no avail, I gave up. My forehead was already filled with blackheads anyway.
Someone put me on the path to Bio Oil. First, I have always been very sceptical about it. I did not understand what the hype surrounding it was all about. Second, I was not only dealing with blemishes but I needed a remedy for the new painful pimples I got every morning. But I had nothing to lose at this point so I decided to try it out.
Bio Oil is a specialist skincare oil that claims to improve the appearance of stretch marks, scars and uneven skin tone. It is also said to be good for dehydrated skin. It contains ingredients such as rosemary oil, lavender oil, and calendula oil. These ingredients are meant to have antibacterial, inflammatory and hydrating properties for healthier skin. It contains PurCellin oil that reduces the consistency of Bio-Oil, making it a rapidly absorbed ‘dry’ oil that delivers these properties to the skin.
Bio Oil comes packaged in plastic bottles. You can find it in the market in 25, 60, 125 and 200 ml bottles. Its nozzle is well sealed so that you can only take out a little product at a time. The oil smells great and is not strong so you do not have to worry about walking around smelling like a medicinal plant.
How to Use It
It is recommended that you use it twice a day. Apply the oil on your scars or affected area then rub the oil until the skin soaks it in. It is also advised that you use the product for 3 months but for now, I decided to do a 3-week review just to see what it could do. It is hypoallergenic and thus can be used on sensitive skin types.

Week 1
I decided that I would use the product in the morning and in the evening just to give my skin breathing room. As stated I applied some product on the forehead and rubbed it in circular motions for a minute. I have really dry skin so I thought that I would need to supplement it with some Vaseline but I was pleasantly surprised. The Bio oil is hydrating enough even for normal-dry skin types.
I was to check on the progress on a weekly basis but I noticed something on the first 3 days of using it consistently. The breakouts I had on day one had started drying up really quickly and for the first time in a while, my skin did not have fresh breakouts. That is the definition of true happiness.

By the end of Week 1, almost all my pimples had dried up. I had just been left with massive scarring on my forehead.

Week 2
The most affected part of my forehead throughout the whole breakout period was the right side of my face. Almost all the pimples were concentrated there so I had become a little darker on that side. By the end of Week 2, I started regaining my skin tone. The individual scars were still very prominent, but my skin tone had started to even out.

Week 3
Somewhere mid-week, I woke up to a small rash in the mid-section of my forehead. I was a little worried that I was allergic to the Bio Oil but the rash cleared towards the end of the week. By the end of week 3, the scaring had continued to fade out. The left side of my forehead which was not affected as much had almost cleared up. There was still major scarring on the right side but there was some definite improvement in the appearance of the scars.

There is still so much to do on the right side of my forehead before I can say I am scot free. However, the product’s recommended use is 3 months so I still have 2 months and 1 week remaining. So far I am really impressed with the results. I really like how it feels on my skin especially since I am picky about what I apply to my face. One of the things I like about the product is the nozzle. It allows you to take small amounts at a time. I have been using this product all over my face, twice a day for 3 weeks and it there is still so much left. Enough to take me through the other 2 months.
Precautions and Advice
It is advised that you do not use it on broken skin. This means that you shouldn’t use it on pimples you have popped or scars that have not yet healed.
If you get any irritation for a long period, discontinue using it or seek medical assistance before you continue usage.
Bio Oil does not claim to completely eradicate scarring, it just reduces the appearance of scarring.
I would recommend drinking a lot of water and eating a lot of fruits to supplement the oil. I started actively drinking a good amount of water in Week 2 and I feel like it really helped.
So if you are looking to clear out some stubborn pimples or clear up some scarring, I would recommend you try Bio Oil out.
Want to take care of your skin but not sure what routine is good at your age? Check out Skincare tips for different age groups.
Have you tried Bio Oil? How was your experience?
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